NCHS Data Linkage Program: Leveraging the Nation's Health Data for Evidence-Based Decision-making

What to know

  • This webinar provided information about linking data from multiple sources together in a single dataset.
  • The Data Linkage Program at the National Center for Health Statistics brings together data from multiple sources to answer complex health questions.
  • Linked data can inform evidence-based health policy decisions.
Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Additional information


October 20, 2020


The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) expands the utility of its national health survey data by linking them with other health-related sources of data.

These sources include:

  • Medicare & Medicaid data
  • Death certificates
  • Information about the receipt of federal housing assistance

This webinar featured a discussion of the NCHS Data Linkage Program. Topics included linked data sources and examples of how these linked data could help answer critical health policy questions.

The webinar also highlighted the program's data modernization initiatives. Featured work was part of the broader effort to expand current and relevant data to inform evidence-based decisions.


The NCHS Data Linkage Program: Leveraging the nation’s health data for evidence-based decision-making