What Happened with Births in 2020?

At a glance

  • This webinar presented information about birth rates in the United States in 2020.
  • It highlighted birth trends based on provisional birth data for 2020.
  • These birth outcomes may have been related to the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19.
Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Webinar information


June 28, 2021


In this webinar, experts at CDC's National Center for Health Statistics presented about provisional 2020 U.S. birth data.

The webinar highlighted the release of the 2020 provisional birth data, including new reports that showed—

  • Historical trends and analyses
  • Declines in U.S. births by month
  • Changes in births to New York City residents by month and race and ethnicity

This webinar also described monthly provisional estimates for selected pregnancy characteristics and birth outcomes, such as cesarean delivery and preterm birth rates. These characteristics and birth outcomes may have been related to the direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19.


What happened with births in 2020?