Injury Center Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)

What to know

The CDC Injury Center offers grants to assist other health-related and research organizations that contribute to our mission through health information dissemination, prevention, and research.

Open NOFOs

Year & Status Topic NOFO Number NOFO Title Application Due Date
2024 Open ALS TS25-036 Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for ALS 11/1/2024
2024 Open Injury Prevention CE-25-027 Evaluate STEADI-based Fall Prevention in Assisted Living Facilities 12/2/2024
2024 Open Injury Prevention CE-25-028 Effectiveness Research to Prevent Polysubstance-Impaired Driving 12/2/2024
2024 Open Overdose Prevention CE25-149 Rigorous Evaluation of Primary and Secondary Overdose Prevention Activities Among Populations Disproportionately Affected by Overdose 12/2/2024
2024 Open Violence Prevention CE-25-029 Grants to Support New Investigators in Conducting Research Related to Preventing Interpersonal Violence Impacting Children and Youth 12/2/2024
2024 Open Violence Prevention CE-25-021 Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury (R01) 12/2/2024
2024 Open Violence Prevention CE-25-030 Research Grants to Rigorously Evaluate Innovative and Promising Strategies to Prevent Firearm-Related Violence and Injuries 12/2/2024
2024 Open Violence Prevention CE-25-026 Rigorously Evaluating Programs and Policies to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Problematic Sexual Behavior among Youth 12/2/2024
2024 Open Violence Prevention CE-25-031 Rigorously Evaluating Primary Prevention Strategies for Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence 12/2/2024
2024 Open Violence Prevention CE-25-032 Formative Research and Pilot-Testing of Community-led Primary Prevention Approaches to Address Elevated Risk of Intimate Partner Violence & Sexual Violence 12/2/2024
2024 Open Violence Prevention CE-25-025 Rigorous Evaluation of Community- and Societal-Level Primary Prevention Approaches to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Expanding the Best Available Evidence 12/2/2024
2024 Open Environmental Health EH25-011 Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net): Practice-based research to improve restaurant food safety 12/2/2024
2024 Open Diversity Supplements for Injury and Violence Prevention NOT-CE-22-001 Notice of NCIPC Participation in PA-21-071 “Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)” Contact ERPO at
2024 Open Diversity Supplements for Small Business Innovation Research in Injury and Violence Prevention PA-21-345 Administrative Supplements to Promote Diversity in Research and Development Small Businesses-SBIR/STTR (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Contact ERPO at  

Closed NOFOs

Year & Status Topic NOFO Number NOFO Title Application Due Date
2023 Closed Overdose Prevention CE-24-011 Grants to Support New Investigators in Conducting Research Related to Understanding Drug Use and Overdose Risk and Protective Factors (K01) 12/1/2023
2023 Closed Overdose Prevention CE-24-012 Rigorous Evaluation of Policy-Level Interventions to Prevent Overdose (R01) 12/1/2023
2023 Closed Overdose Prevention CE-24-013 Research Grants to Identify Effective Community-Based Strategies for Overdose Prevention (R01) 12/1/2023
2023 Closed Violence Prevention CE-24-029 Grants to Support New Investigators in Conducting Research Related to Preventing Interpersonal Violence Impacting Children and Youth (K01) 12/1/2023
2023 Closed Violence Prevention CE-24-030 Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury (R01) 12/1/2023
2022 Closed New Investigators in Overdose Prevention CE-23-002 Grants to Support New Investigators in Conducting Research Related to Understanding Polydrug Use Risk and Protective Factors (K01)  2/9/2023
2022 Closed New Investigators in Violence Prevention CE-23-003 Grants to Support New Investigators in Conducting Research Related to Preventing Interpersonal Violence Impacting Children and Youth (K01) 1/4/2023
2022 Closed Violence Prevention CE-23-004 Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence (R01) 1/26/2023
2022 Closed Prevent Firearm-Related Violence CE-23-005 Research Grants to Inform Firearm-Related Violence and Injury Prevention Strategies (R01) 2/16/2023
2022 Closed Prevent Firearm-Related Violence CE-23-006 Research Grants to Rigorously Evaluate Innovative and Promising Strategies to Prevent Firearm-Related Violence and Injuries (R01) 2/16/2023
2022 Closed Injury Prevention CE-23-008 Research Grants to Develop and Validate a Prognostic Tool of Mental Health Sequelae After Traumatic Brain Injury for Adolescent Patients (U01) 1/24/2023
2022 Closed Injury Prevention CE-24-001 Grants for Injury Control Research Centers (ICRC) (R49) 1/6/2023
2022 Closed New Investigators in Violence Prevention RFA-CE-22-002 Grants to Support New Investigators in Conducting Research Related to Preventing Interpersonal Violence Impacting Children and Youth 1/5/2022
2022 Closed New Investigators in Overdose Prevention RFA-CE-22-001 Grants to Support New Investigators in Conducting Research Related to Understanding Polydrug Use Risk and Protective Factors 1/12/2022
2022 Closed Child Sexual Abuse RFA-CE-22-003 Rigorously Evaluating Programs and Policies to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) 2/1/2022
2022 Closed Prevent Firearm-Related Violence RFA-CE-22-004 Research Grants to Prevent Firearm-Related Violence and Injuries (R01) 2/4/2022
2022 Closed Injury Prevention RFA-CE-22-007 Reduce Health Disparities and Improve Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Related Outcomes Through the Implementation of CDC’s Pediatric Mild TBI Guideline 2/22/2022
2022 Closed Overdose Prevention RFA-CE-22-009 Rigorous Evaluation of Community-Level Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Frameworks that Incorporate ACEs-Related Prevention Strategies 2/22/2022
2022 Closed Overdose Prevention RFA-CE-22-011 Understanding Polydrug Use Risk and Protective Factors, Patterns, and Trajectories to Prevent Drug Overdose 2/24/2022
2022 Closed Injury Prevention RFA-CE-22-006 Research Grants to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Physical Therapy-based Exercises and Movements Used to Reduce Older Adult Falls 3/1/2022
2022 Closed Youth Violence Prevention RFA-CE-22-012 The CDC National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention (YVPCs): Rigorous Evaluation of Prevention Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Community Rates of Youth Violence 4/18/2022
2022 Closed Community Violence Prevention RFA-CE-22-013 Rigorous Evaluation of Community-Centered Approaches for the Prevention of Community Violence 3/22/2022

Learn more about previously funded research

  1. Visit
  2. Select the "Fiscal Year (FY)" of interest and click "Select"
  3. In the "Project Details" section of the website select "Funding" under the "Agency/Institute/Center" option
  4. Click "Select"
  5. Click "Check/Uncheck All"
  6. Scroll down and expand the "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" tab
  7. Select "Nat'l Center for Injury Prevention and Control" and click "Select"
  8. Click "Select" for "Funding Mechanism"
  9. Click "Check/Uncheck All"
  10. Select "Research Project Grants" and click "Select"
  11. Click "Submit Query," the final step

Learn more about funding opportunity announcements older than two years

  1. Visit
  2. Select " Search Grants" in the toolbar
  3. Under "Opportunity Status," select "Archived"
  4. Deselect "Forecasted" and "Posted"
  5. Under "Agency," expand the "All Department of Health and Human Services"
  6. Check the box that states, "Centers for Disease Control – NCIPC [HHS-CDC-NCIPC] (7)"