University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center

At a glance

View the University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center's (U-M IPC) ICRC profile and grantee research projects. ICRCs to study ways to prevent injuries and violence and to work with community partners to put research findings into action. They focus on three core functions—research, training, and outreach.

Contact Information

University of Michigan director
Douglas Wiebe, PhD

Douglas Wiebe, PhD (he/him)
Director | U-M Injury Prevention Center
Director | Outreach, U-M Concussion Center
Department of Emergency Medicine | School of Medicine
Department of Epidemiology | School of Public Health
University of Michigan
Address: 2800 Plymouth Road, Suite B10-G080, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800
Phone: 734-647-6125
Twitter: @UMInjuryCenter


University of Michigan
The University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center (U-M IPC)

The University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center (U-M IPC) conducts, translates, and accelerates injury prevention research into practice and policy to reduce the burden of injuries across the Great Lakes and the U.S.

The Center brings together many disciplines to focus on injury prevention including 1,000 members from 35+ institutions and faculty leadership from more than 14 departments. Center activities encourage interaction among many disciplines to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration.

We aim to reduce and prevent injury as we:

  1. Develop evidence-based interventions and generate data-grounded injury knowledge to inform policy and practice through research and analysis.
  2. Provide the infrastructure to disseminate, translate, and connect the vast injury scientific findings created by our Center members and partners to practitioner and policy audiences.
  3. Expand resources to provide technical assistance to state health departments and practitioners.
  4. Provide infrastructure for leveraging additional financial support for sustaining injury science and integrating a larger multidisciplinary cadre of collaborators.
  5. Train the next generation of researchers/practitioners in injury science, translation, and policy.

While we cover many injury topics, we have a particular focus on preventing:

  • Opioid use disorder and overdose
  • Suicide
  • Youth violence
  • Motor vehicle crashes
  • Concussions
  • Older adult falls

The U-M Injury Prevention Center is organized into cores that focus on:

Research — advancing injury science through:

  1. the oversight of the core research projects;
  2. an exploratory pilot research program;
  3. fostering research collaborations; and,
  4. providing statistical, technical, and methodological design and translation science support for injury prevention science.

Outreach & Translation — developing and disseminating preventive interventions across diverse audiences and forming linkages with both practice and policy professionals for translating research findings, and to provide technical assistance to state health departments and public health practitioners.

Training & Education — offering unique opportunities for students and other trainees to gain valuable research, practice, and translational experiences with strong, formal mentoring support as they learn about innovative approaches to intentional and unintentional injury prevention research and practice.

We also have subgroups that provide additional support to Center activities:

Statistics & Methods Section — providing statistical and methodological consultation and support for Center research and grant submissions.

Policy Workgroup — focusing on translation, training, and research related to injury prevention policy.

We invite you to join us. Consider becoming a member if injury prevention is of interest to you.

2019 ICRC Grantee Research Projects - U-M IPC

Core Research Projects

  • Opioid Overdose & Falls — Overdose and Fall Risk Concentration Among Benzodiazepine Users
  • Opioid Overdose — Examining Opioid Overdose Risk in the Context of Changing Patterns of Opioid Prescribing and Overdose
  • Suicide — Translation of a Military/Veterans Crisis Line (MVCL) for Suicide Prevention Using Crisis Line Facilitation
  • Opioid Overdose & Suicide — Association Between State-Level Prescription Opioid Limitation Laws & Suicide Outcomes

Exploratory Research Project

  • Sexual Violence — Adapting an Evidence-Based Sexual Assault Prevention Intervention for Women Undergraduates for Online Delivery
  • Firearm Safety — Family Safety Net: Universal Firearm Safety to Keep Youth Safe at Home Request for Applications
  • Opioid Overdose — Developing and Piloting a Method to Identify Warning Signs for Opioid Overdose Among Adults Presenting to the Emergency Department