National Immunization Survey-IIS Collaboration


The National Immunization Surveys (NIS) are a group of phone surveys used to monitor vaccination coverage among eligible age groups and for adults 18 years and older. The surveys are sponsored and conducted by the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and authorized by the Public Health Service Act [Sections 306]. Data collection for the first survey began in April 1994 to check vaccination coverage after measles outbreaks in the early 1990s.

National Immunization Survey-IIS Match Project

The NIS-IIS Match Project has been conducted each year since 2008 as a mechanism for independently and objectively evaluating the completeness of data maintained within state/city-managed Immunization Information System (IIS). The National Immunization Survey (NIS) uses random-digit-dialing to find a sample of households with age-eligible children. With the consent of parents or guardians, the NIS also contacts the children’s immunization providers (by mail) to request a complete vaccination history from the child’s medical records. During the NIS and NIS-Teen household interviews, NIS interviewers also seek permission from the parents or guardians to contact that state’s/city’s IIS to obtain immunization information. The NIS-IIS Match Project assesses the completeness of demographic records in the IIS by attempting to identify NIS/NIS-Teen participants who provide consent to contact the IIS, and it assesses the completeness of vaccination records by comparing the vaccination history from the IIS and the vaccination record from the immunization provider collected as part of the NIS/NIS-Teen. The requesting program receives a final report that summarizes the data analysis and includes detailed tables. Immunization programs may choose to participate based on local priorities. Prior to the start of a given data collection year, programs indicate their interest in participating to CDC during the cooperative agreement renewal process.

For more information on NIS and NIS-Teen , see the National Immunization Survey website.

  • National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases