Past HOP Programs

At a glance

The High Obesity Program (HOP) funds work to implement proven strategies to address disparities related to nutrition, physical activity, or obesity. HOP recipients work in counties where 40% or more of adults have obesity. CDC has funded HOP in three funding periods since 2014. Learn more about past programs.

Woman riding a bike on a bricked path.


The High Obesity Program (HOP) funds work to implement proven strategies to address disparities related to nutrition, physical activity, or obesity. The work includes increasing access to healthier foods and safe and accessible places for physical activity.

HOP recipients are land grant universities that work through community extension services. HOP recipients work in counties where 40% or more of adults have obesity.

CDC has funded HOP in three funding periods. The current funding period started in 2023. See current program. The other two funding periods were 2014–2018 and 2018–2023.

Past programs

20182023 fiscal years—15 awards
See more information.

20142018 fiscal years—11 awards
See more information.