Health Equity Partner Webinar Series

At a glance

Join CDC's Office of Health Equity (OHE) and our partners to learn about the importance of health equity in emergency response and preparedness. OHE and CDC's Office of Readiness and Response will present on its emergency response work, including the establishment of the Chief Health Equity Officer unit in CDC emergency responses.

OHE partner branding.

Upcoming Webinar

Title: Health Equity in Emergency Preparedness and Response

Date and Time: October 23rd, 3pm-4:30pm EDT

Session Description: When preparing and responding to emergencies, it is crucial to embed health equity from the start to ensure that all people have equal access to life-saving information, services, and programs. Emergencies, such as a natural disaster or a pandemic, can have devastating impacts on whole communities. People in racial and ethnic minority communities, people with disabilities, people living in geographically isolated areas, and other groups often face systemic barriers and health disparities that are exacerbated during an emergency.

Register in advance for this webinar:

Please register to attend this online event. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the webinar.

Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodations

This live streamed Zoom event will be presented with Web CART. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact within 10 business days of the event to ensure timely interpreting and accessibility services are provided.

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Previous Webinar Series

Advancing Health Equity Through Workforce Development

Health Equity Science and Data for Action

  • Date: March 28, 2024
  • Overview: Learn about using health equity science and data for action.
  • Webinar slides.

Promoting Equity in Communications

  • Date: January 24, 2024
  • Overview: Learn best practices for communicating about health equity as well as creating culturally relevant and accessible health communications materials.
  • Webinar slides.

Respiratory Virus Season and Health Equity: Information about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), COVID-19, and Flu

  • Date: October 30, 2023
  • Overview: Learn about current guidance to protect your communities from COVID-19, RSV, and flu this fall and winter.
  • Webinar slides.