
At a glance

Explore our CDC's scientific publications related to global health and find links to recent articles.

CDC Staff in Cameroon having a conversation

Featured Article

A laptop screen displays an article from The Lancet journal titled "Antimicrobial resistance at a crossroads: the cost of inaction."
CDC experts published The Lancet Comment emphasizing the threat antimicrobial resistance poses.

Antimicrobial resistance at a crossroads: the cost of inaction‎

This Lancet Comment emphasizes that antimicrobial resistance poses an existential threat to individual lives, the wellbeing of communities, and the national security of all countries. An antimicrobial-resistant threat in one country can quickly spread across borders, making collective action imperative.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports

The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) series is the agency’s primary vehicle for scientific publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations. Browse through CDC's global health MMWR collection:

Emerging Infectious Diseases

COVID-19 Supplement

Forty articles collected in a special supplement of CDC's Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) journal document global efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic. The compilation documents CDC and partners response in the early phase of the pandemic. It also highlights the value of CDC's longstanding partnerships and investments in global surveillance systems, disease detection, laboratory networks, emergency management, and a well-trained workforce.