Management Officer

Staff Bio

Melanie Moser, MPH

Global Health Center (GHC)

Ms. Moser has over 15 years of experience at the CDC. She has been the CDC's Management Officer since 2020, overseeing strategic management areas including fiscal planning, extramural activities, workforce development, operational activities, and international travel processing.

Melanie Moser, Management Officer. CDC, Global Health, GHC.

CDC role

Ms. Moser has served as the center’s Management Officer since 2020. Ms. Moser leads strategic management in the following areas:

  • Fiscal planning, evaluation, and budget execution of financial resources
  • Development and tracking of extramural activities
  • Human capital and workforce development
  • Operational activities
  • International travel processing

Previous experience

In 2011, Ms. Moser joined the GHC's Management Office as the USAID-CDC Interagency Agreement (IAA) Manager for the $269 million nine-year agreement. In this role, she improved relations with the USAID IAA manager, established internal governance for programs receiving IAA funds, and evaluated IAA management to identify challenges and opportunities.

In 2014, Ms. Moser was promoted to Deputy Management Officer. As Deputy, she served on the CDC Labor Management Partnership Council and built relationships with the Office of Fiscal Resources by serving on the Grant Solutions Process and Policy Workgroup, the Value Added Tax Country Workgroup, and the Office of Grant Services-GHC Foreign Audit workgroup. She also provided supervision and guidance to the OD Extramural Team and the Global Travel Office.

In 2015, Ms. Moser deployed to Sierra Leone for the CDC Ebola Response and collaborated with the Office of Financial Resources to conduct an internal controls course at the 2016 Tanzania regional training. In 2018 Melanie moved to the Office of Budget Services where she led the IAA Process Council and the development of the Interagency Agreement Navigator. In addition, she conducted agency-wide training on IAAs, and collaborated with the CDC Foundation on gift project clean up.

Ms. Moser began her career at CDC in 2001 as a Guest Researcher in the Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria. She served as a health communication specialist and web developer for DPDx: Laboratory Identification of Parasites of Public Health Concern. Ms. Moser produced parasite life cycles graphics, established online continuing education for laboratorians, and presented on telediagnosis at workshops and scientific conferences.

Areas of expertise

Ms. Moser has over 15 years of experience at CDC, twelve of which have been in the Global Health Center.


Ms. Moser received a Master of Public Health from Georgia State University. Her thesis work was on free-living amebic infections caused by Balamuthia and Acanthamoeba. She received a Bachelor of Science from Frostburg State University.