Associate Director for Overseas Operations

Staff Bio

Lauren Erickson-Mamane

Global Health Center (GHC)

Lauren Erickson-Mamane is the Associate Director for Overseas Operations at CDC’s Global Health Center (GHC). She is a seasoned public health professional with over 20 years of international experience.

A professional headshot of a woman with long dark hair, wearing a bright orange sleeveless dress and pearl earrings. She is smiling widely, and behind her, there is an American flag.

CDC role

Ms. Erickson-Mamane currently serves as the Associate Director for Overseas Operations at CDC's Global Health Center (GHC). In this role, she provides leadership in business operations and workforce support for CDC's more than 65 country and regional offices.

Previous experience

Ms. Erickson-Mamane previously served as a Bureau Chief with CDC's Bureau for Mission Support. In this role, she served as an agency focal point for efficient coordination, strategy development, and implementation of One CDC in country offices. She was the former Special Initiatives Branch Chief for CDC's Division of Global HIV and TB, where she led the division's FBO engagement and oversaw multi-functional cross-cutting special initiatives. She also served as the Deputy for Programs for CDC's COVID-19 International Task Force Mitigation Team.

Prior to joining CDC, Ms. Erickson-Mamane served in various leadership roles with the Peace Corps. She was the first Director of Peace Corps' Faith Based Initiative and worked closely with President Obama's White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. She served as Country Director for Peace Corps Togo, the Director of Programming and Training for both Zambia and Benin, as well as the Associate Peace Corps Director for Health with Peace Corps Benin. Ms. Erickson-Mamane managed Peace Corps' largest PEPFAR portfolio and was instrumental in the development of the Saving Mothers Giving Life Endeavor in Zambia and the Global Health Initiatives and PMI partnerships in both Benin and Zambia.

Areas of expertise

Ms. Erickson-Mamane is a seasoned public health professional with over 20 years of international experience in global health programming, interagency collaboration, and strategic management.


Ms. Erickson-Mamane holds a Master of Public Health degree from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.