Associate Director for Communication

Staff Bio

Jacqueline Rosenthal, MA

Global Health Center (GHC)

Jackie Rosenthal has over 25 years of experience in strategic communications, social marketing, muti-cultural communications, media outreach efforts, and partnership development. She directs comprehensive communication efforts for the Global Health Center and leads communication support for CDC country offices.

Jacqueline Rosenthal, Associate Director for Communication. CDC, Global Health. GHC

CDC role

Ms. Rosenthal leads communication efforts for the Global Health Center and oversees communications support for CDC country and regional offices.

Previous experience

Before joining GHC, Ms. Rosenthal was the Communication Lead for the Division of Reproductive Health (DRH) in CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. In this role, she led all strategic communication activities for the "Hear Her" marketing campaign to increase awareness of urgent maternal warning signs that contribute to maternal deaths.

Prior to joining DRH, Ms. Rosenthal spent 17 years with CDC's National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. She managed the development and implementation of one of CDC's flagship social marketing initiatives titled "Act Against AIDS". She also led Hispanic/Latino focused partnerships and initiatives, coordinated awareness days, and prepared speeches, talking points, and presentations for center leadership.

Ms. Rosenthal has participated in major CDC public health emergency responses. During CDC's 2016 Zika Response, she led communication efforts that supported the launch of the Zika Contraceptive Access Network, a collaboration with the CDC Foundation. She oversaw the development and implementation of a full-scale social marketing campaign titled "Ante la duda pregunta". This campaign aimed to increase awareness of contraception as an option to prevent or delay a pregnancy during the Zika outbreak in Puerto Rico.

Areas of expertise

Ms. Rosenthal brings over 25 years of experience in strategic communications, social and muti-cultural marketing, partnership engagement, and public affairs. She speaks Spanish and French.


Ms. Rosenthal has a BA from Rice University. She holds a Master of Public Affairs degree from the University of Texas, Austin, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.