COVID-19 Vaccination in Nigeria

What to know

CDC partnered with the Government of Nigeria to increase vaccination and address misinformation about COVID-19. Officials worked with trusted community leaders to answer questions about preventing COVID-19 and encourage vaccination to help slow the spread. The collaboration helped save lives.

A patient receives a COVID-19 vaccine in February 2022

Photo Essay

CDC and the Government of Nigeria have been working with community and religious leaders to share COVID-19 prevention information
Since the start of the pandemic, CDC and the Government of Nigeria have been working with community and religious leaders to share COVID-19 prevention information and address misinformation both in-person and through mass media channels. Photo credit: Godwin Oisi/CDC
Community volunteers go to markets and other meeting points to hand out flyers and informational sheets on how to prevent COVID-19
Community volunteers go to markets and other meeting points to hand out flyers and informational sheets on how to prevent COVID-19. The information is culturally appropriate and written in the community's local language and dialect. Photo credit: Godwin Oisi/CDC
Public health workers prepare COVID-19 vaccines for distribution at local vaccination clinics in Abuja, Nigeria
Public health workers prepare COVID-19 vaccines for distribution at local vaccination clinics in Abuja, Nigeria. Photo credit: Godwin Oisi/CDC
A patient receives a COVID-19 vaccine in February 2022
A patient receives a COVID-19 vaccine in February 2022. The shot is one of six million doses CDC donated to Nigeria through its implementing partner, Ministry of Health. Photo credit: Godwin Oisi/CDC
Two people in the laboratory
CDC's support to the Government of Nigeria further strengthens the partnership between the two countries. It has not only ensured that Nigeria is making progress against COVID-19, but that the country has a stronger infrastructure and trained responders for future public health emergencies. Photo credit: Godwin Oisi/CDC