Workforce Development

At a glance

Public health workers are the backbone of global health security. They work tirelessly on the frontlines to prevent the spread of diseases and protect communities.

Asian woman in a tan vest hand signaling to an audience.

What We Do

Group of men, woman and children in a field standing in the dirt.
An FETP fellow investigates anthrax outbreak.

That's why CDC's Division of Global Health Protection (DGHP) is committed to supporting countries in building a skilled and resilient public health workforce to address emerging health challenges across the globe.

Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)

Through our renowned Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), we equip public health professionals with advanced epidemiological skills through a combination of classroom-based training, fieldwork, and mentorship.

Public Health Training

We also conduct targeted trainings to enhance the skills and expertise of frontline healthcare professionals and public health workers—from nurses to community health workers, laboratorians to risk communicators.


  • Since 1980, 22,000+ disease detectives have been trained through CDC/DGHP-supported Field Epidemiology Training Programs.
  • Since 2011, CDC has helped more than 30 countries develop or strengthen CDC-like National Public Health Institutes—public health agencies that can lead a country's emergency preparedness and response activities.


Learn more about CDC's efforts to empower the next public health workforce to prevent, detect, and respond to disease threats: