Influenza Vaccination Coverage, Children 6 months through 17 years

At a glance

Influenza vaccination coverage among children is assessed through the National Immunization Survey-Flu (NIS-Flu) annually, providing weekly influenza vaccination coverage estimates for children 6 months–17 years based upon parental report.

Child Flu Vaccination Coverage

  • NIS-Flu is a national random-digit-dialed cellular telephone survey of households conducted during the flu season (October-June).
  • Additional information about final 2022-23 flu season estimates is available. Weekly estimates in this dashboard may differ from final season estimates from prior seasons because of different methodologies.
  • Figure 2A. Weekly Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage*‡, by Flu Season and Selected Demographics, Children 6 Months—17 Years, United States, Data Source: NIS-Flu, Data are current through May 11, 2024.
  • Figure 2B. Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage*‡, by Week, Flu Season, and Race/Ethnicity, Children 6 Months—17 Years, United States, Data Source: NIS-Flu, Data are current through May 11, 2024.
  • Figure 2C. Weekly Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage*‡ and Comparison between Current and Four Previous Seasons**, by Jurisdiction, Children 6 Months—17 Years, United States, Data Source: NIS-Flu Data are current through May 11, 2024.
  • Figure 2D. Differences in Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage*‡ by Selected Demographics, during 2023-24 and between 2023-2024 and 2022-2023, Children 6 Months—17 Years, United States, Data Source: NIS-Flu Data are current through May 11, 2024.
  • Figure 2E. Weekly Influenza Vaccination Status and Intent for Vaccination, Overall, by Selected Demographics, and Jurisdiction, Children 6 Months—17 Years, 2023-24, United States^‡. Data Source: NIS-Flu Data are current through December 30, 2023.

*Week ending dates for prior seasons are aligned with the current season's week ending dates. Sample size is insufficient to provide estimates by race/ethnicity by jurisdiction. Due to rounding, reported estimates may be different than if calculated by dashboard users.

**Interpretation of the difference between current minus previous season is based on the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the difference. The interpretation is "Similar to last season" if the 95% CI for difference overlaps with zero; "Lower than last season" if the entire 95% CI for the difference is below zero; and "Higher than last season" if the entire 95% CI for the difference is above zero.

^Estimates for vaccination intent are based on interviews conducted that week and are adjusted to the cumulative vaccination coverage estimate through that week. Estimates of intent for vaccination are not shown for a given week if sample size for that week is <30.

Estimates are not reported if total sample size to date is less than 30 or sample size <5 for current week.