Putting Radiation Plans to the TEST: Using Cooperative Games for State and Local Radiation Exercises

What to know

During this webinar, you will: 1) identify how games can be used for training and exercising with cross-sector partners; 2) determine partners needed for radiation emergency response; 3) and Implement gaming principles to engage others in training and exercise.

Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Webinar information

Subject matter experts from the Division of State and Local Readiness (DSLR) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as experts from Austin Public Health, and West Virginia University (WVU) Medicine served as presenters for this webinar.

This is a T.E.S.T (or TEST) CRC is a collaborative game that bridges the gap between discussion and operational exercises for CRCs using narrative-based problems to foster teamwork, discuss resource management, and aid in understanding specific roles and responsibilities during a radiation emergency.


The content and conclusions in these presentations are those of the authors and presenters and do not necessarily represent the views of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Lauren Finklea, M.S.
Health Scientist, Acting Team Lead, DSLR/CDC

Jamie Moor, M.P.A., R.S.
Threat Preparedness Program Manager, Monongalia County Health Department

Marlon Haygood, M.P.H.
Emergency Plans Officer, Austin Public Health

Ashley Hawes, M.P.H., C.Q.A.
Disaster Epidemiologist, Austin Public Health

Elizabeth Garrasi, M.S., C.H.E.P., C.E.D.P.
Director, Emergency Management, WVU Medicine