Public Health in National Parks: Plan a Healthy, Injury, and Illness-Free Visit

What to know

This webinar took place on April 11, 2024. Subject matter experts from the National Park Service (NPS) served as presenters for this one-hour webinar.

Format: MP4
Language: English (US)


During this webinar, you will learn about
• The power of parks for health
• Resources to plan an injury and illness-free visit
• Key considerations to prevent injury or illness while recreating in national parks


CAPT Sara Newman, DrPH, MCP
Director, NPS Office of Public Health (OPH)

CAPT Kurt Kesteloot, PE, BCEE
Supervisory Public Health Consultant,
Team Lead, NPS OPH FSB
Radiation Studies Section | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CAPT Christen Glime, PE
Supervisory Public Health Consultant
Team Lead, NPS OPH FSB

CAPT Danielle Buttke, DVM, PhD, MPH
One Health Program Lead, Office of Public Health

CAPT (ret.) Jennifer Proctor, P.E.
Branch Chief, NPS Public Risk Management Program

Ina Hysi, CPH, CHES
Injury Prevention Specialist, NPS Office of Risk Management