Vaccine Administration and Coverage by Jurisdiction (IIS)

At a glance

Monthly COVID-19 vaccination coverage among children and adults based on information that state, territorial, and local public health agencies report to CDC.

COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage for Children and Adults

  • COVID-19 vaccination coverage for children and adults is assessed through U.S. jurisdictions' Immunization Information Systems (IIS) data, submitted from jurisdictions to CDC monthly in aggregate by age group.
  • COVID-19 vaccination coverage estimate numerators include the number of people receiving at least one dose of the updated 2023-24 COVID-19 vaccine since September 2023, based on information that state, territorial, and local public health agencies report to CDC. Some jurisdictions may report data submitted by tribes. Estimates include persons who are deceased but received a vaccination since September 2023. People receiving doses are attributed to the jurisdiction in which the person resides unless noted otherwise. Quality and completeness of data may vary across jurisdictions. COVID-19 vaccination coverage denominators are obtained from 2020 U.S. Census Bureau population estimates.
  • Monthly estimates shown are cumulative, reflecting all persons vaccinated from September 2023 through a given month. Cumulative estimates include any historical data reported since the previous submission. National estimates are not presented since not all U.S. jurisdictions are currently reporting their IIS data to CDC. Jurisdictions reporting data to CDC include U.S. states, some localities, and territories.
  • Because IIS data are intended to capture all vaccinations administered within a jurisdiction rather than a sample, standard errors were not calculated.
  • Laws and policies regarding the submission of vaccination data to an IIS vary by state, which may impact the completeness of vaccination coverage reflected for a jurisdiction.
  • Coverage estimates based on IIS data are expected to differ from National Immunization Survey (NIS) estimates for children and adults because NIS estimates are based on a sample that may not be representative after survey weighting and vaccination status is determined by survey respondent rather than vaccine records or administrations, and quality and completeness of IIS data may vary across jurisdictions. In general, NIS estimates tend to overestimate coverage due to overreporting and IIS estimates may underestimate coverage due to incompleteness of data in certain jurisdictions.
  • Figure 4A. Monthly Cumulative Number and Percent of Children 6 Months–17 Years Who Received 1+ updated 2023-24 COVID-19 Vaccination Doses*, by Age Group and Jurisdiction, United States. Data Source: Jurisdictional Immunization Information Systems (IIS). Data are current through March 31, 2024.
  • Figure 4B. Monthly Cumulative Number and Percent of Children 6 Months–17 Years Who Received 1+ updated 2023-24 COVID-19 Vaccination Doses*, by Age group and Jurisdiction, United States. Data Source: Jurisdictional Immunization Information Systems (IIS). Data are current through March 31, 2024.
  • Figure 4C. Monthly Cumulative Number and Percent of Adults 18 Years and Older Who Received 1+ updated 2023-24 COVID-19 Vaccination Doses*, by Age Group and Jurisdiction, United States. Data Source: Jurisdictional Immunization Information Systems (IIS). Data are current through March 31, 2024.
  • Figure 4D. Monthly Cumulative Number and Percent of Adults 18 Years and Older Who Received 1+ updated 2023-24 COVID-19 Vaccination Doses*, by Age group and Jurisdiction, United States. Data Source: Jurisdictional Immunization Information Systems (IIS). Data are current through March 31, 2024.

*These data include both valid and invalid doses, persons with last known addresses in the jurisdiction, and persons with unknown addresses within the jurisdiction. Data excludes people whom a provider has indicated have left the jurisdiction. A period in time assessment is used to calculate COVID-19 vaccination coverage which requires all individuals to be at least 6 months old by October 1, 2023. Number of doses administered and coverage estimates for a given month may change over time for some jurisdictions.

Figure 4A and 4C (line graph) will not display any lines for jurisdictions whose data have not been submitted to CDC; these jurisdictions appear gray in the Figures 4B and 4D. Some Pacific Island jurisdictions' vaccination programs may be aligned to regional virus circulation patterns (i.e., they may vaccinate on a different schedule than the continental U.S.).