Reynolds M. Salerno, PhD

CLIAC's Designated Federal Officer


Ren Salerno is the acting Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He is also the acting director of CDC’s Office of Laboratory Science and Safety and of the Center for Laboratory Systems and Response.

Dr. Salerno's headshot. He has short grey hair and is wearing a navy suit with a purple tie.


Dr. Salerno's permanent position is director of CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems. He is the lead CDC official for the federal tri-agency Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) program. He also serves as the Designated Federal Officer of the U.S. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC).

Dr. Salerno is CDC’s point of contact for the following:


His responsibilities include:

  • CDC’s Memorandum of Understanding on Surge Testing during Public Health Emergencies.
  • Overseeing CDC’s cooperative agreement with APHL

Task forces and groups

Dr. Salerno has also served in the following leadership roles:

  • Lead of CDC’s Expansion of Screening and Diagnostics Task Force for the COVID-19 Response
  • Co-lead of CDC’s Laboratory and Testing Task Force for the COVID-19 Response
  • Senior advisor for laboratory and testing for CDC’s Mpox response.

He represents CDC in the following groups: