Chemical Fact Sheet

Key points

  • VX is a human-made chemical warfare agent.
  • It is one of the most toxic nerve agents.
  • Signs and symptoms depend on how much you were exposed to, how you were exposed, and for how long.
  • Get clean and get medical help if exposed.


VX is a human-made chemical warfare agent that is one of the most toxic nerve agents.

Like all nerve agents, VX stops certain enzymes from working. When this enzyme does not work correctly, muscles are constantly being used. As a result, people may become tired and no longer be able to keep breathing.

VX can remain in the environment from days to months depending on the circumstances.

VX's characteristics include:

  • Oily liquid
  • Amber in color
  • Tasteless
  • Odorless
  • Slow to evaporate and become a vapor (gas)
    • It evaporates as slowly as motor oil.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms depend on how much a person was exposed to, how the person was exposed, and for how long.

VX has no recognizable smell. Until signs and symptoms develop, people may not know that they were exposed.

Exposure to a low or medium amount may cause some or all the following signs and symptoms within seconds to hours:

  • Abnormally low or high blood pressure
  • Blurred vision, eye pain, and/or eye tearing
  • Chest tightness
  • Confusion
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Drowsiness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Fast or slow heart rate
  • Headache
  • Increased urination
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain
  • Rapid breathing
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath
  • Small, pinpoint pupils
  • Tremors
  • Weakness
  • Wheezing

Even a small drop of VX on the skin can cause sweating and muscle twitching where VX touched the skin.

Exposure to large amount of VX in any way may result in the following harmful health effects:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Cardiac arrest (heart stopping) possibly leading to death
  • Coma
  • Convulsions (muscle shaking)
  • Paralysis (inability to move)
  • Respiratory (breathing) failure possibly leading to death.
  • Seizures
  • Twitching


Because VX evaporates slowly, VX can be a short-term threat or a long-term threat. VX can stay on surfaces and be dangerous for days to months.

Follow any directions by local authorities.


If VX is in the air, people can be exposed through skin or eye contact, or breathing in the VX gas. Because VX gas is heavier than air, it will sink to lower areas and increase the chance of exposure there.


If VX is in water, people can be exposed by touching or drinking the water. People can also be exposed to liquid VX by swallowing it, getting it on their skin, or in their eyes.


People can also touch or breathe in VX gas from clothes that have been exposed to VX.


Touching or eating food with VX can also expose people to VX. Avoid using or eating food that smells, tastes, or looks unusual.

Do not eat food that may have touched VX if the food is not in a glass or metal container. If the food is in an unbroken sealed glass or metal container, it should not be affected by VX. Wash the outside of the container before using.

What to do if you are exposed

Get away

Get away from the area where the VX was released and breathe fresh air.

If the VX release was outdoors, go indoors and shelter in place. Make sure windows are closed and ventilation systems are turned off to make sure the VX does not come inside.

If you cannot go indoors, leave the area where the VX was released. If you cannot get away from the area, go to the highest ground possible. VX is heavier than air and will sink to lower areas.

If the VX release was indoors, get out of the building.

Make sure you understand your local emergency notification system if you have one. Listen to emergency broadcasts and local authorities for instructions.

Get clean

Get clean by taking off all clothes, jewelry, and accessories, blotting any liquid, and showering. This is the best way to remove VX from your body. If you cannot take off all layers, take off as many clothes as you can.

Take your clothes off

Do not pull clothing over your head. If you must pull clothing over your head, close your eyes and mouth, and hold your breath. This will stop the VX from getting in your eyes, nose, or mouth. Put clothes in a plastic bag.

If you wear contact lenses, take them out and place them with your clothing. Do not put contact lenses back in.

Follow these steps to blot your body:

  1. Use dry, clean cloths, or paper towels to blot each part of your body where you feel liquid.
  2. Use a different cloth or towel for each body part.
  3. Blot your head and hair.
  4. Blot your face, hands, body, arms, legs, and feet.
  5. Blot your skin for 10 seconds.
  6. Rub for 10 seconds any places on your skin or in your hair where you can see or feel liquid.
  7. Drop the used cloths or towels to the floor.

Repeat the process several times if you still feel liquid on you. Use a different clean cloth or towel for each part of your body. Use a different clean cloth or towel each time you repeat the process.

Wash your body

Use lukewarm water and mild soap to wash your hair, face, and hands, and then wash the rest of your body for about 90 seconds. Wash from your head to your feet, including armpits and groin. Use soapy water for a minute, then rinse with plain water for 30 seconds. Try not to let the water run into your eyes, nose, or mouth. Do not scrub!

If your eyes are burning or you can't see normally, wash your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes with lukewarm water. Do not use eye drops.

Dry your face, then tilt your head back and dry your hair, and then dry down your body. Use anything that will soak up water. Drop used things to the floor. Dress in any available clean clothes to prevent hypothermia (low body temperature). This is especially important if temperatures are cool.

Clear the dirty items

If emergency response services are available, leave used items on the floor and report where they are to emergency teams. Move as far from the used items as possible.

Otherwise, put on waterproof or heavy gloves that won't let liquid go through. Gather all used things from the floor, including your clothes, and put them in a plastic bag. Remove gloves and put them in the plastic bag. Close the plastic bag and place it in a second plastic bag. Close up the second bag also.

Do not put the bags in the regular trash! Place the bags in an area where other people are unlikely to disturb them and touch VX. Tell local authorities where the bags are for pick up.

Get help

If you think you were exposed‎

Get clean first. Then get help by calling 911 or going to the nearest hospital (if local officials say it is safe to leave). Call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 for more information.


Treatment involves removing VX from the body as soon as possible. Treatment also involves giving supportive medical care in a hospital setting or by trained emergency personnel.

Antidotes (cures) for VX are available in a healthcare setting. They are most useful if given as soon as possible after exposure.


If someone has swallowed VX, do not force vomiting.

Long-term health effects

VX breaks down slowly in the body. If you are exposed to VX or other nerve agents multiple times, it can build up in the body.

People who were exposed to low amounts usually recover.

People who were exposed to higher amounts of VX may experience chronic or long-lasting symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Paralysis
  • Pain
  • Pins and needles sensations

People who received very high doses are less likely to survive.

More information

You can contact one of the following:

  • Regional poison control center: 1-800-222-1222
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Response Hotline
    • Phone: 800-CDC-INFO
    • Teletypewriter (TTY): 888-232-6348
    • E-mail inquiries: cdcinfo@cdc.gov