Table 3 - Health Systems Data and Reporting Tools


Data from this table can be used to compare program impact and outcomes with those of other states and the nation.

Health system data and reporting tools

Resource name Purpose Heart disease/stroke prevention topics addressed Sampling frame Data ownership/
primary contact organization
Cost Methodology Start date Frequency
CMS Provider Data Catalog Show national, state, and hospital-level data for measures of heart attack care, heart failure care, pneumonia care, surgical care, emergency department care, preventive care, children’s asthma care, and stroke care
  • Evidence-based treatments for myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke
  • How quickly hospitals treat emergent patients
  • How effectively hospitals provide preventive services
Not applicable CMS No cost
  • Most of the measures of timely and effective care come from the data that hospitals get from medical records of their eligible patients, following standards for abstracting and reporting the information.
  • Data submissions include auditing procedures and edit checks to assess whether data submitted are consistent with CMS’s defined specifications.
  • CMS validates the data submitted to provide assurance that the hospital or its designated agent can accurately abstract patient medical records and accurately submit data.
2005 Annually
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Uniform Data System (UDS) Training and Technical Assistance Provide consistent information about health centers and look-alikes Hypertension and CVD prevention, control, and treatment Not applicable HRSA Health Center Program No cost Health center grantees and look-alikes report on their performance using the measures defined in the UDS. 2011 Annually
Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program (HVBP) Display hospitals participating in the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program and the quality of care they provide
  • Quality and cost measured on hospital performance
  • Health outcomes measures
  • Reimbursement, cost-effectiveness, and cost reduction measures
  • Quality of care outcome measures
Approximately 3,000 hospitals across the country and Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) CMS No cost Hospital VBP is based on data collected through the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program (IQR). The Total Performance Score was derived from four domains in FY 2021: Clinical Outcomes, Person and Community Engagement, Safety, and Efficiency and Cost Reduction. 2013 Annually
Medicaid Adult Health Care Quality Measures Provide health care quality measures for Medicaid-eligible adults
  • Prevention and treatment of hypertension and CVD
  • Heart failure admissions
Approximately 80 million Medicaid enrollees CMS No cost States collect data on core set measures for enrollees of all delivery system types, including managed care and fee for service. 2012 Annually
Medicare Advantage: Star Ratings Combine scores for the types of services each plan offers.
  • Hypertension and CVD control
  • Hypertension and CVD treatment and prevention
  • Medicare Advantage plans in place prior to the beginning of the calendar year
Not applicable CMS No cost
  • Gathered from several different sources, such as member surveys, information from clinicians, or information from plans
  • Medicare’s regular monitoring activities
2009 Annually
Medicare Hospital Spending by Claim (Beneficiary) Show whether Medicare spends more, less, or about the same per Medicare patient treated in a specific hospital compared with how much Medicare spends per patient nationally Medicare spending by hospital per Medicare claim type Hospitals in the United States CMS No cost A hospital’s Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) measure is calculated as the hospital’s average MSPB amount divided by the median MSPB amount across all hospitals. 2012 Annually
Medicare Shared Savings Program/Affordable Care Organizations (ACOs) Collect and report data based on 33 measures on physician quality for eligibility in Medicare Shared Savings and meaningful use
  • Historical program information (including program size, quality, and shared savings)
  • ACO information (including characteristics, composition, and participation information)
  • ACO-assigned beneficiary population
Eligible providers, hospitals, and suppliers who have created or participated in an ACO CMS No cost ACOs report clinical quality measures through a web interface. 2013 Annually
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA): Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) Provide a set of standardized performance measures designed to give purchasers and consumers the information they need to compare the performance of managed health care plans Hypertension and CVD prevention, control, and treatment Adults in the United States enrolled in health care plans that report HEDIS results NCQA Cost associated with the data
  • HEDIS includes more than 90 measures across six domains of care, including Effectiveness, Access/Availability, and Experience of Care.
  • NCQA collects Medicare and Exchange data on behalf of CMS, collects Medicaid HEDIS data on behalf of state agencies, and collects commercial data on behalf of states and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
1991 Continuously