Breast Cancer Screening Change Package


Compiles an organized list of evidence- and practice-based changes and associated tools and resources to improve breast cancer screening.

A nurse positions an older woman for a mammogram


The Breast Cancer Screening Change Package is part of the Cancer Screening Change Packages Toolkit. The tools and resources in the Breast Cancer Screening Change Package are for women who:

  • Are ages 40 to 74 years.
  • Do not have signs or symptoms of breast cancer.
  • Have not been diagnosed with high-risk breast lesions, breast cancer, or underlying genetic mutations.
  • Do not have a history of chest radiation at a young age.

See the US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation.

organizing framework of the cancer screening change packages
The organizing framework of the cancer screening change packages. Focus areas build on one another.

To help you choose a focus area, read the descriptions below or view the organizing framework in the Cancer Screening Change Packages: Overview.