2013 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Data

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Table 3-1
Current Asthma Population Estimates — in thousands
by Age, United States: National Health Interview Survey, 2013
Age (years)
Characteristic All ages
Age <18
Age 18+
 0 – 4  5 – 14  15 – 34  15 – 19  20 – 24  25 – 34  35 – 64  65+
Total: 22,648 6,109 16,540 826 4,080 6,110 1,761 1,585 2,764 8,914 2,719
    Male 9,430 3,489 5,940 519 2,326 2,631 932 619 1,080 3,058 895
    Female 13,218 2,619 10,599 306 1,754 3,479 829 966 1,684 5,856 1,823
White Non-Hispanic: 14,383 2,920 11,463 341 1,946 3,652 911 919 1,822 6,449 1,995
    Male 5,675 1,606 4,069 234 1,071 1,429 432 324 673 2,303 639
    Female 8,708 1,314 7,394 107* 876 2,223 478 595 1,150 4,146 1,356
Black Non-Hispanic: 3,712 1,344 2,368 248 866 1,021 360 297 364 1,217 359
    Male 1,668 787 881 161 471 519 259 151* 109 391 126
    Female 2,044 557 1,487 87 396 502 102 145 255 825 233
Other Non-Hispanic: 1,397 538 859 73* 337 426 166 120* 140 415 145
    Male 660 354 307 45* 222 224 88* 74* 62* 136 33*
    Female 737 184 553 28* 115 202 78* 46* 78 279 112
Hispanic: 3,157 1,307 1,850 163 931 1,010 324 249 437 833 220
    Male 1,427 743 684 80 563 459 153 69* 236 227 98
    Female 1,730 564 1,166 83* 367 552 171 180 201 605 122
    Puerto Rican:a 686 275 411 55* 169 203 ** 22* 108* 187 72
        Male 311 128 183 ** 101 115* ** ** 101* 60* **
        Female 375 147* 228 ** 69 89* ** ** ** 126 56
    Mexican/Mexican-American:a 1,612 690 922 58* 545 492 166 141 186 430 86
        Male 723 403 320 41* 305 229 100* 45* 84* 100* 47*
        Female 889 287 602 ** 240 263 65* 96* 101 330 40*
    Northeast 4,508 1,071 3,436 149 671 1,053 342 238* 473 1,995 640
    Midwest 5,126 1,217 3,909 158 687 1,744 524 440 780 1,998 539
    South 7,838 2,537 5,301 387 1,821 1,809 534 431 844 2,829 992
    West 5,176 1,283 3,893 132 901 1,504 360 476 667 2,092 548
Ratio of Family Income to
Poverty Threshold:b
    0-0.99 5,321 1,944 3,377 392 1,296 1,480 514 440 526 1,735 419
    1.00-2.49 6,260 1,871 4,390 218 1,261 1,724 549 452 723 2,043 1,014
    2.50-4.49 5,208 1,282 3,926 148 901 1,400 282 435 683 1,986 773
    4.50 and above 5,859 1,013 4,847 67* 622 1,506 416 258* 833 3,150 513


Source: National Health Interview Survey, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC Compiled 9/30/2014

All relative standard errors are <30% unless otherwise indicated.

* Relative standard error of the estimate is 30%-50%; the estimate is unreliable.

** Relative standard error of the estimate exceeds 50%.

Numbers within selected characteristics may not sum to total due to rounding.

a As a subset of Hispanic.

b Missing responses imputed.


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