2021 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L2.2
Adulta Lifetimeb Asthma Weighted Numbere
by Sex at Birth and State or Territory: BRFSS 2021
State Male
Sample Sizec
95% CId
(Weighted Number)
Sample Sizec
95% CId
(Weighted Number)
U.S. Totalf 199,837 14,589,628 (14,203,221–14,976,034) || 230,075 20,745,550 (20,295,494–21,195,606)
AL 1,823 253,077 (209,979–296,175) || 2,750 391,396 (343,755–439,038)
AK 2,786 30,826 (25,843–35,809) || 2,680 46,811 (40,286–53,335)
AZ 5,009 357,824 (321,245–394,403) || 5,611 477,524 (434,768–520,280)
AR 2,234 139,793 (116,330–163,256) || 3,116 176,081 (149,970–202,193)
CA 3,388 2,036,211 (1,796,643–2,275,779) || 3,329 2,480,730 (2,208,898–2,752,562)
CO 5,327 288,073 (262,440–313,706) || 5,111 420,711 (387,221–454,201)
CT 3,994 188,741 (164,147–213,335) || 4,316 256,129 (231,582–280,675)
DE 1,623 43,375 (33,957–52,793) || 2,004 66,988 (57,260–76,716)
DC 1,428 40,421 (32,947–47,896) || 1,751 60,349 (51,804–68,895)
GA 3,506 454,776 (381,980–527,572) || 4,649 758,206 (679,324–837,087)
HI 3,585 66,625 (58,274–74,977) || 4,186 91,039 (80,947–101,132)
ID 3,166 87,217 (76,484–97,949) || 3,593 115,296 (103,652–126,939)
IL 1,533 572,760 (458,575–686,945) || 1,670 748,556 (628,673–868,438)
IN 4,503 319,076 (283,626–354,527) || 5,372 484,919 (447,460–522,379)
IA 4,763 135,221 (120,156–150,286) || 4,822 188,530 (169,353–207,708)
KS 8,262 147,510 (136,271–158,749) || 9,230 191,901 (179,510–204,293)
KY 2,558 229,940 (199,250–260,631) || 2,845 335,152 (296,878–373,426)
LA 2,286 238,642 (201,025–276,259) || 2,798 306,440 (270,050–342,831)
ME 5,083 72,635 (64,345–80,925) || 6,675 119,370 (109,532–129,207)
MD 7,131 276,665 (248,702–304,628) || 8,437 425,401 (391,981–458,821)
MA 3,535 362,658 (322,236–403,079) || 4,103 577,953 (520,072–635,833)
MI 4,332 536,482 (475,243–597,722) || 5,067 755,600 (693,288–817,913)
MN 7,697 236,127 (216,577–255,677) || 8,214 331,401 (308,197–354,605)
MS 1,807 136,839 (111,865–161,814) || 2,599 203,081 (176,666–229,495)
MO 5,635 275,918 (243,363–308,472) || 6,567 383,327 (347,100–419,553)
MT 3,160 51,262 (44,792–57,733) || 3,057 75,623 (67,384–83,862)
NE 6,810 72,220 (64,102–80,339) || 8,083 105,181 (96,028–114,334)
NV 1,267 144,629 (113,656–175,603) || 1,460 179,987 (144,203–215,771)
NH 2,881 79,884 (68,111–91,658) || 3,639 116,408 (104,028–128,788)
NJ 3,876 361,380 (312,506–410,254) || 4,046 604,989 (537,660–672,319)
NM 2,855 85,274 (72,671–97,877) || 3,490 145,439 (129,579–161,298)
NY 17,879 924,402 (856,185–992,619) || 21,018 1,341,469 (1,259,330–1,423,609)
NC 2,294 437,305 (369,924–504,686) || 2,635 702,790 (616,938–788,642)
ND 3,009 35,189 (30,151–40,226) || 2,877 39,777 (34,286–45,268)
OH 6,475 571,999 (514,774–629,223) || 7,777 832,082 (767,400–896,763)
OK 2,389 195,757 (168,548–222,967) || 3,035 282,737 (254,010–311,465)
OR 2,580 226,491 (199,103–253,878) || 2,768 332,526 (298,693–366,359)
PA 3,062 681,479 (596,741–766,216) || 3,340 884,478 (788,740–980,216)
RI 2,491 66,792 (57,101–76,484) || 3,093 86,911 (77,699–96,123)
SC 4,473 236,758 (203,890–269,626) || 5,549 317,803 (285,258–350,348)
SD 3,385 37,090 (27,953–46,227) || 3,866 46,256 (37,530–54,983)
TN 2,175 326,249 (275,784–376,714) || 2,584 519,370 (458,603–580,136)
TX 5,203 1,114,074 (965,840–1,262,307) || 5,571 1,726,685 (1,534,267–1,919,102)
UT 5,312 160,933 (145,950–175,915) || 5,254 194,944 (178,110–211,777)
VT 2,992 39,101 (33,918–44,284) || 3,557 51,098 (45,349–56,847)
VA 4,385 403,305 (358,353–448,257) || 5,457 617,761 (564,106–671,415)
WA 6,190 393,815 (359,241–428,390) || 6,904 568,529 (527,085–609,974)
WV 2,992 97,939 (86,188–109,691) || 3,733 138,519 (126,148–150,890)
WI 2,805 290,261 (248,577–331,946) || 3,289 404,406 (352,798–456,015)
WY 1,903 28,603 (23,753–33,454) || 2,498 36,890 (30,825–42,956)
GU 825 5,268 (3,471–7,064) || 827 4,971 (3,484–6,458)
PR 1,583 161,017 (132,967–189,066) || 2,424 303,513 (268,994–338,032)
VI 640 3,660 (2,258–5,062) || 736 3,348 (2,031–4,666)

Notes: For additional information on methods and variable description, refer to ‘Technical Information’, available at: https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/brfss/2021/brfsstechinfo.html
aAged 18+ years
bLifetime question: Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional EVER told you that you had asthma?
cUnweighted number of respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
dCI denotes confidence interval
eWeighted number of respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
fU.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the territories
(.-.) or empty cell:Suppressed if the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size or relative standard error (RSE)>30%

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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