2021 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adulta Current Asthmab Weighted Numbere
by Sex at Birth and State or Territory, BRFSS 2021
State Sample
Male 95% CId
(Weighted Number)
Female 95% CId
(Weighted Number)
U.S. Totalf 199,011 8,002,822 (7,718,338–8,287,306) || 229,101 15,320,179 (14,939,438–15,700,919)
AL 1,817 109,988 (82,092–137,883) || 2,744 284,211 (243,348–325,073)
AK 2,771 16,900 (13,161–20,640) || 2,666 32,552 (27,380–37,724)
AZ 4,995 177,879 (151,909–203,849) || 5,586 341,870 (307,031–376,710)
AR 2,226 76,251 (59,156–93,346) || 3,098 131,606 (108,241–154,972)
CA 3,376 1,049,062 (873,842–1,224,281) || 3,319 1,645,334 (1,429,332–1,861,336)
CO 5,294 162,195 (142,655–181,734) || 5,094 314,738 (286,298–343,177)
CT 3,987 106,780 (89,226–124,333) || 4,295 194,130 (172,505–215,756)
DE 1,618 26,034 (18,773–33,295) || 1,992 51,662 (43,289–60,034)
DC 1,421 20,585 (15,080–26,090) || 1,743 43,713 (36,142–51,284)
GA 3,489 218,613 (169,169–268,057) || 4,620 554,050 (485,076–623,023)
HI 3,578 31,585 (25,835–37,334) || 4,175 61,264 (53,274–69,254)
ID 3,153 49,940 (41,932–57,948) || 3,573 88,576 (78,226–98,927)
IL 1,529 308,553 (218,262–398,843) || 1,667 551,842 (443,979–659,706)
IN 4,478 170,447 (144,865–196,028) || 5,341 365,951 (333,525–398,377)
IA 4,740 82,285 (70,492–94,077) || 4,802 142,181 (125,700–158,662)
KS 8,221 88,459 (79,663–97,256) || 9,189 147,494 (136,568–158,419)
KY 2,543 141,183 (116,953–165,413) || 2,835 267,618 (232,890–302,346)
LA 2,277 117,840 (89,912–145,768) || 2,789 227,002 (194,014–259,990)
ME 5,058 46,506 (39,854–53,159) || 6,645 91,890 (83,307–100,473)
MD 7,103 136,014 (117,711–154,317) || 8,410 315,144 (286,114–344,175)
MA 3,515 207,961 (177,860–238,062) || 4,081 453,345 (400,442–506,248)
MI 4,312 315,705 (269,890–361,520) || 5,041 592,862 (537,168–648,557)
MN 7,669 135,229 (120,560–149,899) || 8,184 251,990 (231,440–272,539)
MS 1,802 80,647 (59,810–101,483) || 2,597 145,999 (123,218–168,780)
MO 5,613 163,046 (137,473–188,620) || 6,537 286,207 (255,398–317,015)
MT 3,146 28,107 (23,363–32,852) || 3,045 55,591 (48,669–62,513)
NE 6,790 42,325 (36,341–48,309) || 8,059 80,166 (72,234–88,099)
NV 1,262 88,372 (63,674–113,071) || 1,454 135,582 (104,428–166,736)
NH 2,872 48,569 (39,955–57,182) || 3,624 87,456 (76,609–98,303)
NJ 3,857 196,220 (164,268–228,171) || 4,030 450,743 (391,876–509,610)
NM 2,843 52,789 (42,819–62,759) || 3,475 120,729 (106,266–135,192)
NY 17,806 557,011 (502,947–611,075) || 20,922 1,006,474 (935,296–1,077,653)
NC 2,292 202,066 (157,661–246,471) || 2,628 515,278 (440,973–589,584)
ND 2,997 22,996 (18,829–27,163) || 2,862 27,016 (22,679–31,353)
OH 6,447 303,971 (263,431–344,511) || 7,760 651,597 (593,345–709,850)
OK 2,372 120,152 (98,393–141,910) || 3,010 205,935 (181,251–230,619)
OR 2,568 126,845 (107,096–146,595) || 2,757 251,005 (220,462–281,548)
PA 3,051 396,481 (333,246–459,716) || 3,332 665,811 (580,229–751,394)
RI 2,480 42,740 (34,622–50,859) || 3,079 68,758 (60,715–76,801)
SC 4,459 133,418 (108,350–158,486) || 5,532 239,189 (211,062–267,315)
SD 3,370 19,865 (13,036–26,695) || 3,842 36,062 (28,162–43,962)
TN 2,164 183,372 (143,626–223,118) || 2,566 374,903 (323,060–426,747)
TX 5,182 600,837 (493,115–708,560) || 5,544 1,253,469 (1,088,183–1,418,755)
UT 5,280 92,071 (80,529–103,613) || 5,223 139,009 (124,864–153,154)
VT 2,978 22,418 (18,476–26,360) || 3,540 39,048 (33,825–44,271)
VA 4,357 210,442 (178,424–242,461) || 5,431 451,503 (406,105–496,901)
WA 6,171 226,464 (200,004–252,925) || 6,875 414,667 (378,377–450,957)
WV 2,985 60,453 (51,364–69,542) || 3,719 110,688 (99,438–121,937)
WI 2,802 169,151 (138,093–200,208) || 3,282 329,078 (283,079–375,076)
WY 1,895 16,000 (12,496–19,504) || 2,487 27,189 (22,288–32,089)
GU 823 2,446 (1,296–3,596) || 826 2,551 (1,381–3,720)
PR 1,583 103,420 (80,076–126,765) || 2,423 207,727 (179,460–235,994)
VI 637 1,853 (804–2,903) || 731 2,067 (907–3,227)

Notes: For additional information on methods and variable description, refer to ‘Technical Information’, available at https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/brfss/2021/brfsstechinfo.html
aAged 18+ years
bCurrent asthma question: Do you still have asthma?
cUnweighted number of respondents who answered the current asthma question
dCI denotes confidence interval
eWeighted number of the respondents who answered the current asthma question
fU.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the territories
‘.–./blank’:Suppressed if the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size or relative standard error (RSE)>30%

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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