2018 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult* Self-Reported Current Asthma Weighted Number by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2018
State Male Sample Size§ Male Weighted Number Male 95% CI (Weighted Number) ||
Female Sample Size§ Female Weighted Number Female 95% CI (Weighted Number)
U.S. Total** 193,333 7,981,655 (7,711,010–8,252,300) || 233,294 15,365,081 (14,995,255–15,734,908)
AL 2,698 131,140 (106,114–156,166) || 3,840 263,495 (231,779–295,210)
AK 1,368 16,740 (12,043–21,437) || 1,359 33,945 (26,643–41,247)
AZ 3,644 219,434 (179,386–259,483) || 4,365 320,724 (277,587–363,862)
AR 1,961 80,455 (60,607–100,303) || 3,355 145,398 (123,859–166,937)
CA 6,072 1,030,820 (894,124–1,167,516) || 5,791 1,576,778 (1,417,122–1,736,435)
CO 4,270 150,501 (130,681–170,321) || 4,529 248,856 (222,845–274,867)
CT 4,673 102,529 (88,495–116,563) || 5,927 187,194 (169,036–205,352)
DE 2,292 26,267 (20,280–32,254) || 2,902 50,768 (43,227–58,309)
DC 1,944 21,536 (17,053–26,018) || 2,398 44,727 (37,822–51,632)
FL 6,772 412,838 (327,702–497,974) || 8,378 1,082,794 (942,557–1,223,031)
GA 4,068 234,603 (198,735–270,470) || 5,147 479,966 (430,882–529,051)
HI 3,824 41,690 (35,126–48,254) || 4,046 62,584 (54,470–70,697)
ID 1,795 35,175 (27,004–43,345) || 1,843 76,780 (62,580–90,980)
IL 2,509 300,657 (247,073–354,241) || 2,751 559,350 (483,169–635,532)
IN 3,193 163,040 (135,746–190,333) || 4,324 344,994 (308,022–381,967)
IA 4,308 69,471 (59,932–79,009) || 4,741 120,447 (107,307–133,587)
KS 4,929 74,642 (64,800–84,484) || 5,794 139,586 (126,020–153,153)
KY 3,580 147,487 (119,941–175,032) || 4,878 247,624 (215,952–279,296)
LA 2,232 128,309 (89,911–166,707) || 2,829 185,613 (158,322–212,904)
ME 4,550 48,387 (40,065–56,710) || 6,266 82,696 (73,267–92,126)
MD 7,376 142,499 (121,087–163,912) || 9,990 297,359 (269,634–325,084)
MA 3,049 184,926 (154,685–215,166) || 3,537 369,037 (323,155–414,920)
MI 4,818 315,812 (275,300–356,324) || 5,422 556,707 (504,974–608,441)
MN 8,232 130,452 (116,176–144,728) || 8,624 224,488 (206,491–242,486)
MS 2,334 81,523 (66,236–96,811) || 3,466 136,699 (119,407–153,992)
MO 2,650 134,210 (105,673–162,747) || 3,532 308,328 (265,975–350,681)
MT 2,386 29,525 (23,412–35,638) || 2,763 53,135 (45,516–60,753)
NE 6,526 45,011 (38,453–51,570) || 8,019 83,584 (74,556–92,613)
NV 1,507 67,776 (44,250–91,302) || 1,686 118,224 (90,777–145,671)
NH 2,520 41,208 (32,646–49,770) || 3,146 86,638 (74,804–98,471)
NJ 1,477 166,352 (117,517–215,188) || 1,594 426,889 (338,952–514,827)
NM 3,062 51,575 (42,368–60,782) || 3,598 105,343 (91,920–118,765)
NY 16,359 547,338 (493,656–601,021) || 18,691 1,012,259 (936,246–1,088,271)
NC 2,189 215,143 (163,460–266,826) || 2,513 542,647 (463,771–621,524)
ND 2,673 19,316 (15,737–22,894) || 2,901 27,680 (22,557–32,804)
OH 5,344 322,547 (272,330–372,764) || 7,329 529,358 (475,776–582,939)
OK 2,187 101,660 (80,537–122,782) || 3,034 205,922 (179,904–231,939)
OR 2,714 132,057 (111,171–152,942) || 3,158 247,695 (218,602–276,788)
PA 3,000 288,004 (235,673–340,335) || 3,149 722,995 (637,874–808,116)
RI 2,450 38,713 (31,036–46,390) || 3,093 61,399 (53,485–69,312)
SC 4,300 102,788 (85,946–119,631) || 6,472 257,322 (229,876–284,768)
SD 3,204 18,859 (14,155–23,564) || 3,847 32,707 (26,260–39,153)
TN 2,305 159,428 (127,350–191,506) || 2,805 352,772 (302,371–403,173)
TX 4,905 489,758 (375,077–604,438) || 6,165 1,064,027 (901,166–1,226,888)
UT 5,177 82,024 (71,822–92,226) || 5,253 123,633 (110,668–136,597)
VT 2,894 23,277 (18,986–27,569) || 3,575 36,778 (32,197–41,358)
VA 4,592 188,806 (157,084–220,527) || 5,651 372,561 (332,362–412,759)
WA 5,986 193,949 (169,677–218,222) || 6,964 364,188 (331,287–397,089)
WV 2,120 63,468 (52,208–74,729) || 2,753 111,899 (98,869–124,930)
WI 2,334 152,979 (121,149–184,810) || 2,639 255,338 (215,558–295,119)
WY 1,981 14,950 (11,923–17,976) || 2,462 23,149 (19,436–26,863)
GU 726 2,111 (1,165–3,057) || 908 3,161 (2,126–4,195)
PR 1,854 88,665 (70,214–107,117) || 2,979 214,958 (189,906–240,010)

*Aged 18+ years
**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.
CI denotes confidence interval.
§Sample size is the number of respondents answered current asthma question

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the Sample Size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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