2018 Child Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables

Table L2_2
Child Lifetime Asthma Weighted Number by Sex and State or Territory: BRFSS 2018
State Male Unweighted Number Male Weighted Number Male 95% CI* Female Unweighted Number Female Weighted Number Female 95% CI*
Total** 27,429 2,994,010 (2,800,969–3,187,051) 25,782 2,108,675 (1,961,218–2,256,133)
CA 1,452 557,159 (456,905–657,414) 1,390 356,143 (279,050–433,236)
CT 971 52,226 (42,507–61,944) 969 41,669 (31,908–51,429)
DC 350 8,516 (5,798–11,234) 353 10,346 (7,326–13,366)
FL 1,417 334,187 (248,163–420,212) 1,388 169,885 (116,314–223,456)
GA 1,076 170,437 (137,674–203,200) 948 115,680 (90,062–141,298)
HI 942 28,609 (23,602–33,616) 868 23,424 (18,350–28,498)
IL 641 124,378 (87,239–161,517) 592 126,374 (89,611–163,138)
IN 695 91,801 (69,482–114,121) 685 76,043 (56,159–95,927)
KS 1,177 44,322 (35,945–52,698) 1,135 30,380 (23,921–36,838)
KY 961 52,576 (38,815–66,336) 890 38,742 (26,978–50,507)
ME 852 19,012 (14,301–23,723) 812 8,315 (5,608–11,022)
MD 532 79,974 (53,261–106,687) 509 79,479 (54,359–104,599)
MA 292 86,533 (57,157–115,908) 281 74,185 (45,715–102,655)
MI 1,202 163,580 (135,060–192,099) 1,149 93,092 (72,174–114,010)
MN 2,132 56,642 (46,208–67,077) 1,850 35,820 (27,892–43,747)
MS 704 43,451 (33,405–53,498) 702 23,320 (16,804–29,836)
MO 513 116,593 (80,487–152,700) 467 56,111 (35,398–76,825)
MT 601 6,370 (4,374–8,366) 534 8,453 (4,660–12,246)
NE 1,788 20,289 (15,598–24,981) 1,615 15,646 (11,368–19,925)
NV 377 43,027 (25,818–60,236) 346 44,437 (21,849–67,026)
NH 487 15,240 (10,937–19,544) 476 10,210 (6,919–13,502)
NJ 203 121,188 (59,002–183,374) 178 89,623 (47,811–131,434)
NM 810 31,394 (22,585–40,203) 745 23,055 (15,587–30,522)
NY 1,245 162,420 (121,764–203,077) 1,142 162,635 (114,949–210,322)
OH 1,287 179,265 (140,346–218,183) 1,191 113,980 (83,118–144,842)
OR 645 39,357 (28,674–50,040) 566 52,719 (31,223–74,214)
PA 636 189,608 (125,789–253,428) 621 131,491 (95,674–167,308)
RI 530 15,656 (10,300–21,011) 499 10,753 (6,112–15,394)
UT 1,792 45,273 (37,409–53,137) 1,829 28,231 (22,340–34,123)
VT 610 6,978 (5,052–8,903) 593 5,977 (4,034–7,919)
WI 509 87,948 (59,333–116,564) 459 52,456 (32,208–72,704)
PR 607 90,929 (75,631–106,228) 582 80,726 (65,675–95,776)

*CI denotes confidence interval.
**Total includes data from 31 states and DC, but excludes Puerto Rico.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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