2015 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult Self-Reported Current Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2015
State Male
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 182,851 7,482,077 (7,221,915 – 7,742,239) || 248,241 14,272,462 (13,942,262 – 14,602,661)
AL 3,044 117,946 (96,311 – 139,581) || 4,840 252,182 (223,883 – 280,480)
AK 1,680 18,507 (12,135 – 24,880) || 1,945 32,284 (24,625 – 39,944)
AZ 3,201 155,324 (127,507 – 183,141) || 4,663 324,467 (284,476 – 364,457)
AR 1,899 74,795 (54,624 – 94,966) || 3,296 151,897 (124,469 – 179,324)
CA 6,039 783,831 (679,494 – 888,167) || 6,484 1,506,660 (1,361,773 – 1,651,547)
CO 5,956 151,263 (129,231 – 173,295) || 7,471 224,446 (201,133 – 247,759)
CT 5,019 100,325 (85,746 – 114,904) || 6,779 194,672 (176,557 – 212,787)
DE 1,735 15,295 (11,001 – 19,588) || 2,297 52,655 (43,696 – 61,614)
DC 1,546 19,021 (12,899 – 25,143) || 2,411 38,772 (30,310 – 47,235)
FL 4,039 408,395 (338,471 – 478,320) || 5,637 788,640 (696,059 – 881,221)
GA 1,838 244,965 (186,008 – 303,922) || 2,814 463,968 (392,007 – 535,929)
HI 3,368 38,830 (31,055 – 46,604) || 3,753 72,312 (63,081 – 81,543)
ID 2,492 43,489 (33,459 – 53,519) || 3,283 67,246 (57,323 – 77,170)
IL 2,301 299,900 (237,484 – 362,315) || 2,972 528,884 (452,262 – 605,506)
IN 2,566 162,693 (126,389 – 198,996) || 3,462 349,864 (297,359 – 402,369)
IA 2,686 65,375 (52,339 – 78,411) || 3,506 115,697 (98,563 – 132,831)
KS 10,162 71,613 (65,077 – 78,149) || 12,886 116,901 (108,967 – 124,835)
KY 3,246 157,489 (130,228 – 184,749) || 5,500 246,010 (210,554 – 281,465)
LA 1,798 109,238 (81,237 – 137,238) || 2,874 179,522 (152,425 – 206,619)
ME 3,699 39,576 (33,078 – 46,075) || 5,318 80,457 (72,062 – 88,852)
MD 4,882 115,207 (87,534 – 142,880) || 7,605 293,707 (252,216 – 335,198)
MA 4,106 188,049 (160,456 – 215,643) || 5,099 359,046 (320,342 – 397,751)
MI 3,809 290,997 (249,293 – 332,701) || 5,043 490,520 (443,140 – 537,900)
MN 7,453 102,391 (89,537 – 115,244) || 9,202 207,726 (190,531 – 224,921)
MS 2,107 63,035 (47,404 – 78,665) || 3,896 112,810 (95,045 – 130,576)
MO 3,036 152,694 (122,966 – 182,422) || 4,214 295,867 (256,793 – 334,942)
MT 2,677 24,908 (19,492 – 30,323) || 3,322 46,302 (38,924 – 53,680)
NE 7,533 37,900 (32,405 – 43,395) || 9,902 63,954 (57,215 – 70,694)
NV 1,200 48,251 (31,293 – 65,208) || 1,698 131,199 (103,505 – 158,893)
NH 2,885 36,720 (29,240 – 44,199) || 4,079 70,505 (61,507 – 79,503)
NJ 4,680 166,397 (132,176 – 200,617) || 6,707 335,176 (296,078 – 374,273)
NM 2,820 55,857 (45,035 – 66,680) || 3,881 99,961 (85,969 – 113,952)
NY 5,172 555,283 (480,199 – 630,366) || 7,103 977,226 (884,742 – 1,069,709)
NC 2,860 189,664 (151,098 – 228,229) || 3,807 444,020 (389,267 – 498,772)
ND 2,230 20,743 (16,740 – 24,746) || 2,714 31,824 (26,705 – 36,942)
OH 4,732 281,972 (232,046 – 331,898) || 7,101 614,213 (539,540 – 688,886)
OK 2,731 99,275 (78,383 – 120,166) || 4,160 180,506 (157,133 – 203,880)
OR 2,350 124,570 (102,230 – 146,911) || 2,951 226,867 (197,656 – 256,077)
PA 2,498 317,007 (255,305 – 378,709) || 3,187 703,299 (601,711 – 804,887)
RI 2,537 34,375 (27,595 – 41,156) || 3,605 57,617 (49,786 – 65,448)
SC 4,813 105,540 (86,980 – 124,100) || 6,720 204,403 (183,251 – 225,556)
SD 2,988 20,357 (15,252 – 25,462) || 4,196 34,050 (27,427 – 40,672)
TN 2,319 163,101 (123,894 – 202,309) || 3,609 292,844 (250,584 – 335,105)
TX 5,807 565,829 (448,492 – 683,166) || 8,781 962,348 (848,188 – 1,076,508)
UT 5,282 68,137 (59,171 – 77,103) || 6,042 119,240 (108,010 – 130,470)
VT 2,851 19,701 (16,210 – 23,192) || 3,586 35,564 (31,474 – 39,655)
VA 3,584 157,985 (129,102 – 186,868) || 4,995 355,691 (313,899 – 397,482)
WA 6,956 180,840 (158,702 – 202,978) || 8,975 335,560 (307,832 – 363,287)
WV 2,662 56,043 (47,205 – 64,881) || 3,254 102,485 (91,642 – 113,328)
WI 2,706 149,031 (117,013 – 181,049) || 3,449 277,266 (237,714 – 316,818)
WY 2,271 12,351 (9,631 – 15,070) || 3,167 23,131 (18,651 – 27,611)
GU 781 2,824 (1,461 – 4,187) || 883 4,097 (2,600 – 5,594)
PR 1,971 93,529 (74,828 – 112,230) || 3,427 192,272 (171,893 – 212,651)

*CI denotes confidence interval.
**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.
If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.
When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.
Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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