2012 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult Self-Reported Current Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2012
State Male
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 187,296 7,328,355 (7,071,788 – 7,584,923) || 276,918 13,792,830 (13,461,677 – 14,123,984)
AL 3,031 111,140 (89,512 – 132,768) || 5,904 202,778 (179,122 – 226,434)
AK 1,973 13,044 (9,558 – 16,531) || 2,329 35,649 (30,040 – 41,257)
AZ 2,968 148,585 (117,257 – 179,912) || 4,273 273,147 (234,127 – 312,167)
AR 1,937 68,405 (53,765 – 83,044) || 3,203 126,138 (107,851 – 144,424)
CA 6,177 820,621 (706,802 – 934,441) || 8,361 1,717,087 (1,561,565 – 1,872,609)
CO 5,316 139,267 (120,414 – 158,119) || 6,868 211,050 (190,019 – 232,082)
CT 3,613 93,155 (76,839 – 109,471) || 5,092 181,017 (159,801 – 202,234)
DE 1,998 22,090 (16,810 – 27,369) || 3,152 48,037 (41,738 – 54,336)
DC 1,518 16,086 (11,297 – 20,875) || 2,269 37,649 (30,152 – 45,146)
FL 3,025 389,258 (301,161 – 477,355) || 4,554 854,567 (721,716 – 987,417)
GA 2,266 182,316 (139,257 – 225,375) || 3,802 422,870 (365,210 – 480,531)
HI 3,486 29,581 (23,445 – 35,716) || 4,037 65,320 (56,321 – 74,319)
ID 2,328 36,621 (27,324 – 45,918) || 3,510 61,429 (50,438 – 72,420)
IL 2,213 298,673 (226,003 – 371,344) || 3,350 527,746 (443,049 – 612,443)
IN 3,370 163,893 (137,119 – 190,667) || 5,207 278,787 (250,214 – 307,361)
IA 2,925 69,829 (58,017 – 81,641) || 4,207 118,876 (102,323 – 135,429)
KS 4,633 68,230 (58,312 – 78,148) || 7,107 112,301 (101,132 – 123,471)
KY 3,963 135,806 (113,776 – 157,836) || 7,164 233,923 (210,549 – 257,297)
LA 2,932 94,085 (71,848 – 116,322) || 6,095 163,911 (142,273 – 185,549)
ME 4,148 43,856 (37,840 – 49,872) || 5,695 72,659 (66,174 – 79,144)
MD 4,867 128,382 (103,648 – 153,116) || 7,880 277,797 (245,609 – 309,984)
MA 8,599 194,884 (172,891 – 216,877) || 12,951 365,973 (337,384 – 394,563)
MI 4,127 279,392 (238,082 – 320,702) || 6,294 508,870 (457,730 – 560,010)
MN 5,183 126,486 (108,086 – 144,887) || 6,990 197,147 (176,514 – 217,780)
MS 2,716 63,994 (51,524 – 76,464) || 5,019 116,268 (101,191 – 131,344)
MO 2,616 167,051 (134,524 – 199,577) || 4,094 309,602 (270,847 – 348,358)
MT 3,759 28,925 (24,433 – 33,417) || 4,865 44,383 (39,140 – 49,627)
NE 7,832 41,424 (36,401 – 46,448) || 11,221 60,675 (55,157 – 66,194)
NV 2,014 48,759 (36,630 – 60,889) || 2,790 103,100 (85,067 – 121,132)
NH 3,101 30,838 (24,236 – 37,440) || 4,376 74,886 (65,585 – 84,187)
NJ 6,317 204,870 (174,015 – 235,726) || 9,344 382,092 (346,111 – 418,073)
NM 3,574 53,952 (46,256 – 61,649) || 5,149 90,822 (81,657 – 99,987)
NY 2,440 472,256 (375,383 – 569,129) || 3,566 923,037 (799,921 – 1,046,153)
NC 4,618 193,103 (157,115 – 229,091) || 7,205 375,824 (339,014 – 412,634)
ND 2,130 17,484 (13,456 – 21,511) || 2,720 23,297 (19,245 – 27,350)
OH 5,118 335,529 (290,292 – 380,765) || 7,845 586,950 (534,335 – 639,566)
OK 3,216 104,772 (87,452 – 122,093) || 4,758 187,218 (168,870 – 205,566)
OR 2,113 114,493 (91,285 – 137,701) || 3,122 204,264 (177,364 – 231,164)
PA 8,222 328,603 (281,134 – 376,073) || 11,596 675,962 (621,200 – 730,724)
RI 2,111 35,230 (28,114 – 42,346) || 3,338 53,781 (46,988 – 60,575)
SC 4,942 114,054 (94,916 – 133,192) || 7,753 198,931 (178,128 – 219,733)
SD 3,346 18,951 (14,853 – 23,049) || 4,479 27,584 (23,314 – 31,855)
TN 2,516 149,374 (113,296 – 185,453) || 4,507 231,222 (200,389 – 262,055)
TX 3,695 473,784 (389,762 – 557,807) || 5,378 830,396 (712,361 – 948,431)
UT 5,237 64,190 (55,591 – 72,788) || 7,129 110,341 (100,037 – 120,645)
VT 2,516 16,234 (13,013 – 19,455) || 3,506 37,986 (33,287 – 42,685)
VA 3,021 182,807 (146,706 – 218,908) || 4,327 366,711 (323,952 – 409,470)
WA 6,490 177,252 (155,596 – 198,907) || 8,684 334,998 (307,887 – 362,109)
WV 2,254 51,686 (42,127 – 61,245) || 3,126 97,923 (86,387 – 109,459)
WI 2,241 150,158 (112,908 – 187,409) || 3,043 225,714 (188,015 – 263,413)
WY 2,545 14,897 (11,230 – 18,564) || 3,684 24,132 (20,295 – 27,969)
GU 873 1,660 (777 – 2,543) || 1,147 4,555 (3,204 – 5,905)
PR 2,339 84,492 (67,977 – 101,007) || 3,974 165,574 (147,166 – 183,981)



*CI denotes confidence interval.

**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

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