2009 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L2.2
Adult Self-Reported Lifetime Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory: BRFSS 2009
State Male
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 160,720 13,118,640 (12,686,993 – 13,550,287) || 262,737 17,843,800 (17,483,492 – 18,204,109)
AL 2,103 180,153 (145,367 – 214,940) || 4,661 239,871 (214,326 – 265,415)
AK 1,101 28,244 (20,873 – 35,615) || 1,324 44,724 (36,375 – 53,073)
AZ 2,074 349,885 (267,286 – 432,484) || 3,390 402,659 (340,499 – 464,818)
AR 1,389 108,035 (80,216 – 135,854) || 2,606 140,383 (119,075 – 161,691)
CA 6,921 1,610,002 (1,445,895 – 1,774,109) || 10,462 2,192,430 (2,043,455 – 2,341,405)
CO 4,718 221,854 (193,341 – 250,366) || 7,191 276,874 (253,106 – 300,643)
CT 2,488 182,388 (149,586 – 215,190) || 3,993 230,282 (201,649 – 258,915)
DE 1,603 38,739 (29,873 – 47,605) || 2,754 57,431 (48,459 – 66,403)
DC 1,500 30,577 (24,742 – 36,413) || 2,395 45,888 (39,781 – 51,996)
FL 4,545 732,309 (557,908 – 906,710) || 7,480 986,425 (877,080 – 1,095,770)
GA 2,100 350,553 (271,002 – 430,105) || 3,780 465,635 (401,446 – 529,823)
HI 2,770 76,268 (65,262 – 87,275) || 3,895 93,162 (82,718 – 103,605)
ID 2,133 65,022 (53,930 – 76,114) || 3,247 78,168 (68,598 – 87,739)
IL 2,220 491,736 (400,590 – 582,881) || 3,620 797,154 (705,500 – 888,809)
IN 3,489 259,579 (219,911 – 299,248) || 5,782 370,899 (331,872 – 409,926)
IA 2,340 106,699 (84,384 – 129,014) || 3,670 133,840 (116,949 – 150,731)
KS 7,227 110,919 (98,636 – 123,202) || 11,625 151,838 (140,499 – 163,178)
KY 2,880 208,225 (171,732 – 244,717) || 6,748 279,161 (249,905 – 308,417)
LA 2,963 154,961 (126,756 – 183,166) || 5,899 211,646 (191,260 – 232,033)
ME 3,071 62,019 (52,791 – 71,247) || 4,992 96,818 (88,742 – 104,894)
MD 3,191 239,852 (203,603 – 276,100) || 5,375 354,757 (316,633 – 392,881)
MA 6,196 319,722 (280,534 – 358,910) || 10,483 472,853 (432,139 – 513,568)
MI 3,497 489,907 (422,044 – 557,769) || 5,730 714,946 (652,266 – 777,627)
MN 2,102 164,449 (124,493 – 204,405) || 3,494 215,402 (186,764 – 244,040)
MS 3,799 112,420 (95,727 – 129,112) || 7,366 155,497 (141,045 – 169,948)
MO 1,917 292,048 (226,904 – 357,191) || 3,124 357,965 (308,785 – 407,144)
MT 3,214 38,760 (32,451 – 45,069) || 4,387 52,485 (46,523 – 58,447)
NE 6,222 70,616 (58,376 – 82,855) || 9,718 81,537 (70,736 – 92,338)
NV 1,525 116,368 (85,361 – 147,375) || 2,314 157,844 (131,042 – 184,645)
NH 2,342 72,642 (59,845 – 85,440) || 3,636 96,383 (85,118 – 107,648)
NJ 4,560 322,389 (273,570 – 371,209) || 7,787 513,852 (469,675 – 558,030)
NM 3,420 94,023 (79,824 – 108,222) || 5,393 108,171 (97,602 – 118,740)
NY 2,632 856,040 (714,307 – 997,773) || 4,269 1,287,296 (1,159,527 – 1,415,065)
NC 4,971 369,846 (316,733 – 422,960) || 8,281 538,616 (480,650 – 596,582)
ND 1,894 22,817 (18,649 – 26,985) || 2,858 36,546 (30,725 – 42,367)
OH 3,716 573,177 (487,430 – 658,924) || 6,027 731,149 (661,103 – 801,195)
OK 2,813 190,245 (161,255 – 219,235) || 5,010 236,257 (215,169 – 257,344)
OR 1,699 208,545 (171,380 – 245,711) || 2,584 272,220 (238,888 – 305,551)
PA 3,482 539,977 (454,886 – 625,069) || 5,667 760,059 (680,512 – 839,606)
RI 2,286 53,634 (44,304 – 62,964) || 3,992 76,687 (68,466 – 84,908)
SC 3,711 174,131 (142,396 – 205,866) || 6,117 270,917 (240,154 – 301,679)
SD 2,605 27,935 (22,773 – 33,097) || 4,204 41,574 (35,754 – 47,395)
TN 1,732 274,142 (217,256 – 331,027) || 3,834 294,673 (257,493 – 331,853)
TX 4,156 909,609 (758,845 – 1,060,373) || 7,412 1,260,141 (1,127,860 – 1,392,422)
UT 4,369 123,689 (107,503 – 139,875) || 5,758 136,323 (123,120 – 149,525)
VT 2,652 29,862 (25,247 – 34,477) || 3,988 42,692 (38,355 – 47,029)
VA 2,062 355,966 (259,794 – 452,139) || 3,108 406,227 (345,867 – 466,586)
WA 8,092 339,398 (309,711 – 369,085) || 12,139 419,235 (391,674 – 446,796)
WV 1,840 67,770 (54,462 – 81,078) || 2,967 109,180 (96,819 – 121,542)
WI 1,970 275,111 (211,678 – 338,543) || 2,576 318,011 (268,561 – 367,460)
WY 2,418 25,383 (21,295 – 29,470) || 3,625 29,018 (25,507 – 32,530)
GU 465 3,822 (2,371 – 5,274) || 797 6,316 (4,964 – 7,669)
PR 1,474 158,105 (126,890 – 189,320) || 2,758 273,696 (242,847 – 304,546)
VI 871 3,031 (2,100 – 3,963) || 1,636 4,095 (3,356 – 4,834)


*CI denotes confidence interval.

**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

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