2009 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult Self-Reported Current Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2009
State Male
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 160,182 7,241,018 (6,939,877 – 7,542,159) || 261,694 12,230,426 (11,941,042 – 12,519,810)
AL 2,090 103,559 (76,436 – 130,683) || 4,642 164,593 (143,647 – 185,538)
AK 1,091 14,736 (9,083 – 20,388) || 1,315 30,937 (24,189 – 37,686)
AZ 2,063 241,890 (166,910 – 316,869) || 3,380 281,110 (228,055 – 334,165)
AR 1,381 56,839 (36,394 – 77,285) || 2,599 105,797 (86,318 – 125,276)
CA 6,914 793,936 (681,603 – 906,268) || 10,448 1,398,073 (1,284,367 – 1,511,779)
CO 4,697 120,544 (99,069 – 142,018) || 7,153 187,024 (167,454 – 206,594)
CT 2,481 96,897 (73,175 – 120,618) || 3,976 153,968 (131,590 – 176,346)
DE 1,590 21,387 (14,778 – 27,996) || 2,716 36,810 (30,073 – 43,548)
DC 1,490 15,525 (11,469 – 19,581) || 2,380 31,179 (25,991 – 36,367)
FL 4,536 360,646 (263,095 – 458,196) || 7,455 655,200 (571,715 – 738,684)
GA 2,095 212,043 (145,143 – 278,944) || 3,768 287,797 (241,387 – 334,206)
HI 2,759 32,419 (25,702 – 39,136) || 3,879 61,241 (53,162 – 69,321)
ID 2,125 42,246 (33,195 – 51,297) || 3,231 51,799 (44,107 – 59,491)
IL 2,219 302,677 (233,025 – 372,328) || 3,617 575,330 (493,118 – 657,543)
IN 3,474 153,008 (123,348 – 182,668) || 5,755 281,997 (247,103 – 316,892)
IA 2,338 63,490 (48,855 – 78,124) || 3,658 91,990 (79,046 – 104,934)
KS 7,211 72,355 (62,149 – 82,562) || 11,584 104,584 (95,434 – 113,734)
KY 2,869 135,283 (105,120 – 165,446) || 6,717 197,821 (172,875 – 222,768)
LA 2,956 71,359 (52,197 – 90,520) || 5,885 138,841 (122,428 – 155,254)
ME 3,063 40,194 (32,917 – 47,471) || 4,968 72,384 (65,196 – 79,572)
MD 3,177 132,195 (105,603 – 158,786) || 5,339 256,864 (222,920 – 290,807)
MA 6,167 199,796 (168,826 – 230,767) || 10,431 340,454 (306,448 – 374,460)
MI 3,485 277,942 (230,177 – 325,707) || 5,707 482,465 (431,318 – 533,613)
MN 2,100 107,981 (77,070 – 138,892) || 3,490 154,427 (130,916 – 177,939)
MS 3,784 54,255 (42,760 – 65,749) || 7,348 108,761 (96,572 – 120,949)
MO 1,914 168,047 (116,428 – 219,667) || 3,112 257,594 (216,228 – 298,959)
MT 3,207 23,061 (18,433 – 27,689) || 4,375 38,038 (32,922 – 43,154)
NE 6,208 41,770 (33,053 – 50,487) || 9,689 59,642 (50,034 – 69,250)
NV 1,520 77,389 (49,494 – 105,284) || 2,306 100,327 (80,904 – 119,751)
NH 2,333 38,531 (30,557 – 46,505) || 3,623 66,957 (58,033 – 75,881)
NJ 4,542 159,235 (126,083 – 192,388) || 7,759 348,230 (312,340 – 384,120)
NM 3,415 54,796 (44,684 – 64,908) || 5,373 73,561 (65,124 – 81,999)
NY 2,624 506,376 (400,514 – 612,239) || 4,249 945,517 (836,139 – 1,054,894)
NC 4,959 188,992 (151,173 – 226,810) || 8,259 358,206 (316,051 – 400,361)
ND 1,885 14,554 (11,294 – 17,815) || 2,851 28,995 (23,772 – 34,219)
OH 3,702 331,146 (267,917 – 394,374) || 6,002 529,667 (469,348 – 589,987)
OK 2,801 104,928 (83,489 – 126,368) || 4,990 167,881 (149,920 – 185,842)
OR 1,693 137,728 (105,630 – 169,827) || 2,557 187,452 (159,408 – 215,496)
PA 3,470 305,696 (247,310 – 364,082) || 5,643 570,371 (501,786 – 638,955)
RI 2,271 27,817 (22,206 – 33,428) || 3,968 54,540 (47,474 – 61,607)
SC 3,704 92,144 (71,214 – 113,073) || 6,090 174,967 (150,664 – 199,270)
SD 2,594 17,641 (13,283 – 21,998) || 4,191 28,865 (23,932 – 33,798)
TN 1,731 160,100 (117,975 – 202,226) || 3,830 225,978 (194,694 – 257,262)
TX 4,143 414,553 (319,049 – 510,058) || 7,369 726,033 (633,890 – 818,175)
UT 4,356 63,710 (52,917 – 74,502) || 5,728 88,229 (77,802 – 98,655)
VT 2,641 17,175 (14,053 – 20,296) || 3,978 31,107 (27,450 – 34,764)
VA 2,058 165,818 (112,430 – 219,205) || 3,099 300,555 (248,901 – 352,209)
WA 8,047 172,330 (152,811 – 191,849) || 12,078 268,464 (247,142 – 289,786)
WV 1,837 41,575 (31,735 – 51,414) || 2,959 84,022 (73,170 – 94,873)
WI 1,966 177,501 (127,331 – 227,671) || 2,572 243,227 (200,744 – 285,710)
WY 2,406 15,205 (12,192 – 18,217) || 3,603 20,555 (17,889 – 23,220)
GU 464 2,198 (1,047 – 3,350) || 796 3,039 (2,108 – 3,970)
PR 1,474 70,178 (48,881 – 91,475) || 2,755 144,946 (121,985 – 167,907)
VI 870 1,093 (593 – 1,593) || 1,625 2,139 (1,618 – 2,659)


*CI denotes confidence interval.

**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

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