2008 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult Self-Reported Current Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory: BRFSS 2008
State Male
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 152,014 7,223,908 (6,914,306 – 7,533,511) || 252,190 12,238,723 (11,952,910 – 12,524,536)
AL 2,082 98,597 (71,906 – 125,288) || 4,374 176,125 (147,424 – 204,825)
AK 1,222 18,985 (11,594 – 26,376) || 1,403 28,047 (21,086 – 35,008)
AZ 2,266 207,290 (128,369 – 286,212) || 3,861 254,036 (205,454 – 302,618)
AR 2,076 73,330 (56,796 – 89,864) || 3,570 103,737 (88,035 – 119,439)
CA 4,553 863,738 (726,769 – 1,000,707) || 7,022 1,462,713 (1,327,078 – 1,598,348)
CO 4,658 122,083 (103,264 – 140,902) || 7,019 172,855 (156,257 – 189,454)
CT 2,333 94,931 (69,887 – 119,975) || 3,775 140,467 (120,969 – 159,965)
DE 1,438 21,070 (12,248 – 29,892) || 2,557 42,413 (35,659 – 49,166)
DC 1,568 12,907 (8,956 – 16,859) || 2,650 31,497 (26,813 – 36,181)
FL 3,980 387,708 (283,361 – 492,055) || 6,834 566,999 (491,448 – 642,549)
GA 2,018 204,721 (134,003 – 275,439) || 3,671 399,027 (342,935 – 455,119)
HI 2,612 38,501 (30,695 – 46,307) || 3,789 57,164 (49,547 – 64,781)
ID 1,981 40,712 (30,807 – 50,616) || 3,098 55,074 (47,220 – 62,927)
IL 1,842 245,732 (190,459 – 301,005) || 3,310 514,043 (443,490 – 584,595)
IN 1,801 151,576 (112,653 – 190,499) || 3,062 281,230 (242,696 – 319,764)
IA 2,301 82,077 (65,137 – 99,017) || 3,683 96,296 (82,643 – 109,950)
KS 3,271 73,758 (61,175 – 86,341) || 5,307 106,275 (93,069 – 119,481)
KY 2,597 100,869 (78,116 – 123,622) || 5,441 211,692 (186,822 – 236,562)
LA 2,030 98,919 (74,337 – 123,500) || 4,131 165,510 (141,234 – 189,786)
ME 2,645 36,144 (29,360 – 42,929) || 4,097 71,411 (63,419 – 79,404)
MD 3,435 147,772 (119,638 – 175,905) || 5,971 256,744 (228,225 – 285,264)
MA 7,492 171,485 (148,264 – 194,705) || 12,959 306,115 (281,860 – 330,370)
MI 3,428 260,432 (213,632 – 307,233) || 5,949 490,521 (441,046 – 539,996)
MN 1,618 122,857 (92,097 – 153,617) || 2,658 184,633 (153,857 – 215,408)
MS 2,665 56,268 (44,377 – 68,159) || 5,238 95,721 (84,099 – 107,344)
MO 1,935 145,163 (114,548 – 175,778) || 3,200 232,212 (191,114 – 273,310)
MT 2,711 27,853 (22,697 – 33,008) || 4,092 42,737 (36,707 – 48,768)
NE 6,145 41,632 (32,709 – 50,555) || 10,011 52,825 (45,079 – 60,571)
NV 1,900 65,613 (45,908 – 85,318) || 2,837 100,215 (83,217 – 117,214)
NH 2,657 31,680 (25,298 – 38,063) || 4,175 75,107 (66,476 – 83,738)
NJ 4,345 211,522 (171,379 – 251,664) || 7,321 361,355 (323,753 – 398,958)
NM 2,402 49,867 (37,176 – 62,558) || 3,803 74,980 (65,600 – 84,360)
NY 2,908 435,120 (345,193 – 525,047) || 4,944 858,517 (757,892 – 959,143)
NC 5,969 182,826 (152,716 – 212,935) || 9,794 336,909 (305,461 – 368,357)
ND 2,034 17,084 (13,252 – 20,915) || 2,981 21,802 (18,089 – 25,514)
OH 4,758 315,767 (265,945 – 365,589) || 8,103 516,020 (460,960 – 571,080)
OK 2,763 84,297 (67,655 – 100,938) || 4,990 156,715 (140,297 – 173,132)
OR 1,829 87,077 (67,488 – 106,665) || 2,940 162,711 (139,818 – 185,603)
PA 4,751 317,373 (262,974 – 371,771) || 8,324 575,277 (511,335 – 639,219)
RI 1,681 31,844 (23,955 – 39,733) || 3,070 55,421 (48,358 – 62,484)
SC 3,683 83,642 (64,471 – 102,813) || 6,441 192,724 (166,429 – 219,020)
SD 2,834 17,482 (13,808 – 21,155) || 4,100 24,927 (21,174 – 28,680)
TN 1,686 137,571 (102,487 – 172,655) || 3,314 281,838 (239,326 – 324,350)
TX 3,740 536,354 (416,694 – 656,014) || 6,911 735,209 (654,323 – 816,095)
UT 2,318 66,631 (53,513 – 79,749) || 2,964 86,543 (70,087 – 102,999)
VT 2,715 18,779 (15,321 – 22,236) || 3,973 29,611 (26,380 – 32,842)
VA 1,983 183,817 (109,996 – 257,638) || 3,289 360,835 (303,197 – 418,472)
WA 8,660 169,149 (150,678 – 187,619) || 13,725 292,522 (271,894 – 313,150)
WV 1,577 44,025 (34,866 – 53,185) || 2,574 93,689 (80,415 – 106,964)
WI 2,915 173,287 (133,662 – 212,913) || 4,131 227,213 (193,762 – 260,664)
WY 3,203 15,991 (13,337 – 18,644) || 4,754 20,464 (18,133 – 22,794)
GU 340 1,626 (664 – 2,588) || 455 3,082 (1,783 – 4,381)
PR 1,588 44,132 (30,612 – 57,653) || 2,882 103,128 (84,941 – 121,314)
VI 872 1,101 (583 – 1,618) || 1,608 2,256 (1,692 – 2,820)


*CI denotes confidence interval.

**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

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