ACIP Live Meeting Archive – February 28-29, 2024

At a glance

  • Video of ACIP meetings is now posted to the CDC Streaming Health channel* on YouTube.

Video information

View the specific ACIP channel on YouTube or view specific links below. Controls for video volume, pause, and rewind appear along the bottom of the display.


Videos: February 28, 2024

Welcome & COVID-19 Vaccines [189 minutes]
Introduction; COVID-19-associated hospitalizations among adults – COVID-NET ; COVID-19 vaccination coverage update; COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness ; Economic analysis of an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine; Evidence to Recommendations ; Next steps for the COVID-19 vaccine program

Chikungunya Vaccine [87 minutes]
Update on chikungunya vaccine licensure; Review of proposed policy options for chikungunya vaccine use among U.S. adults traveling abroad; Review of proposed policy options for chikungunya vaccine use among laboratory workers; Vaccine use among pregnant and breastfeeding women

DT Vaccines [17 minutes]
Guidance to use Td vaccine for those instances when receipt of the pertussis component is contraindicated

Public comments & VFC Votes [31 minutes]
Public comment; VOTES: COVID-19 Vaccines ; Chikungunya Vaccine; VFC Votes: Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis

Influenza Vaccines [62 minutes]
Interim Estimates of 2023–24 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness; Interim Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Against LaboratoryConfirmed Influenza in California, October 2023—January 2024; Safety of LAIV4 in Children with Asthma; Influenza B/Yamagata Update

Polio Vaccines [83 minutes]
Work Group deliberations on potential use of nOPV2 as an outbreak control measure in the US; Clinical considerations for children who received fractional dose ; inactivated polio vaccine (fIPV) in other countries; Agency Updates.

Videos: February 29, 2024

Welcome & RSV Vaccines [204 minutes]
Introduction; Manufacturer presentation: Moderna safety & efficacy in adults aged ≥60 years; Risk-stratified rates of RSV-associated hospitalization among adults; Implementation update: older adult RSV vaccination; Post-marketing safety surveillance of older adult RSV vaccination; Preliminary Analysis of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following RSV Vaccination among adults 65 years and older; Older adult RSV vaccination: benefits and risks discussion; Work group interpretations and discussion;

Meningococcal Vaccines [39 minutes]
Revising the Adolescent Meningococcal Vaccine Schedule: Term of Reference and Considerations ; GSK Pentavalent MenABCWY vaccine: Term of Reference

Pneumococcal vaccines [171 minutes]
Current epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal vaccine coverage in adults; Preliminary findings of the Pneumococcal pNeumonia Epidemiology, Urine serotyping, and Mental Outcomes (PNEUMO) US study; Phase 3 clinical trial data of PCV21; Post-licensure PCV20 safety data; PCV21 Policy Questions and Preliminary WG interpretations of EtR; Combined Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus, Haemophilus influenzae Type B Conjugate, and Hepatitis B vaccine (Vaxelis®)

*The CDC Streaming Health channel on YouTube hosts more than 600 videos on a variety of health topics. YouTube’s design allows viewing on mobile devices, tablets, desktops, and laptops.